Recent content by Questman

  1. Q

    CERN's Large Hadron Collider Makes Its First Beam Circulation

    ahrkron touched on this, but also, for the laymen like me, it is important to note that many of the advances in computers in recent decades have come from CERN experiments, most notably one of the precursors of the modern internet. I for one eagerly await what incredible advances this brings...
  2. Q

    White Hole Postulation: Can it Exist?

    I have been reading all of the previous threads on this topic, but they are all locked or in some strange stasis state, so I made a new one to get the final answer: Does a white hole have a possibility of existence in our universe, through any means, be it wormhole or alternate universe(s) or...
  3. Q

    Exploring the Risks of the Large Hadron Collider

    I am very dissapointed in how much affect the BH story has had on the LHC. cohorts of people I know, including family and friends, keeping assuring me that we must not start up the LHC because it will kill us all. Very, very dissapointing.
  4. Q

    Physicists Theorize New Method for FTL Travel

    So the tachyon has imaginary mass, and the photon has no mass, ergo no volume. Why isn't it a point particle? and if I i am right (which I most likely am not) if it has no volume, how can it be real?
  5. Q

    Physicists Theorize New Method for FTL Travel

    What would happen if I threw in the hypothetical tachyon? any response/explanation from someone far more experienced than me? From what I have heard, it arrives at its destination before departure, but what property would allow it to do that that the massless photon has not? charge?
  6. Q

    Can Anyone Help Prove My Existence?

    You do realize that everything you say is based upon our perception of the universe. If you take that as read, how can you not assume that any animal, say elk, has the perception in their own world and universe of thought that they exist.
  7. Q

    Douglas Adams May Have Had It Right

    Has anybody else noticed any similarity between Douglas Adams' Infinite Improbability Drive And Quantum Mechanics?