Recent content by questionmenow

  1. Q

    Engineering Nuclear Engineering Jobs that Require a lot of Travel

    Are there any jobs for nuclear engineering majors that require a lot of travel. International would be preferred. I would just hate to stay in one spot! Any job ideas would help!
  2. Q

    Nuclear Engineering and Chemistry Concern

    Okay committing that to memory!
  3. Q

    Nuclear Engineering and Chemistry Concern

    Thanks for the reply! This is at least half good to hear (since you only got half way through)! lol
  4. Q

    Nuclear Engineering and Chemistry Concern

    Does nuclear engineering require a lot of chemistry? Chemistry is not my strongest subject simply because I chose to skip it in high school. So I just wanted to know if it was heavily ridden with chemistry. And if so what topics do I have to look forward to. ugh...
  5. Q

    Programs Nuke Minor: Can I Work at NPP w/ Math Degree?

    I would either like to be a mathematician or a nuclear engineer (not sure which yet). I figured if I got a BS in math and minor in NE that would be good enough for to swing both provided I change my mind. Other engineering fields do interest me as much as NE. Do you thing there might be a better...
  6. Q

    Programs Nuke Minor: Can I Work at NPP w/ Math Degree?

    So there is not much work in npp anymore? I understand the EE and ME can be employed at npp but I wasn't sure about someone with a math major and nuke minor.
  7. Q

    Programs Nuke Minor: Can I Work at NPP w/ Math Degree?

    If I major in math and minor in nuclear engineering. Can I work at a npp still? I would like to get a math degree rather than nuke degree just in case I want to work in the math field(no teaching).
  8. Q

    Nuclear Engineering Jobs: Hours, Descriptions, & More

    Hello, I am very interested in majoring in nuclear engineering. I not sure which jobs stand out to me but I've been attracted to most of the job descriptions I've looked at. The only things is from what I gather the hours are not good. Are there generally some jobs in the field with solid hours...