Recent content by questionator89

  1. Q

    B Exploring Gluon Interaction for Matter Creation

    Just trying to get to the bottom of a thought. If glouns interact with each other or itself, could there be a multiple glouns orbiting each other? Could this orbit create acceleration, and mass, and create quarks? Or possibly more gluon mass?
  2. Q

    B What is our understanding of dark matter?

    My question is about dark matter and how we guess it is working. I do not have a huge understanding of this but given a few things I have been lead to understand I would like to ask a few basic questions to better understand. My question will start with antimatter; Antimatter supposedly would...
  3. Q

    Question about time and measurement

    well I think I understand now. Thanks very much you guys, it was a lot of effort on your part to get me to understand this. I'm sending the karma through the universe right now
  4. Q

    Question about time and measurement

    Ok I get what you are saying DaleSpam. So if you read my other post about the spaceship and the clock and the fourth observer. what this means is that: The spaceship would read after 10 minutes that both the clocks have accumulated 8 minutes each since departure. But if the spaceship were...
  5. Q

    Question about time and measurement

    Right. I will lay a thought experiment out there to clearly define my question. I want to be clear that I am taking into consideration everything you say TumblingDice, but you should realize that, other than this one question, the concept as a whole is something I can grasp. Except infinity. But...
  6. Q

    Question about time and measurement

    Harrylin you were helpful Drakkith you were helpful twice Dalespam all you do is argue about how I worded my posts. No helpful input Im off PF good luck with your quest for knowledge
  7. Q

    Question about time and measurement

    And also if we read Drakkiths first post even, he sounds frustrated already. Why do you even try Drakkith if it just aggravates you to talk to people so obviously less intelligent than you are
  8. Q

    Question about time and measurement

    Yah I checked in, So even if there is not absolute speed, at the speed of light time stops. Drakkith will disagree with this by saying that we can't reach the speed of light so there is no way to know. If we are following a pattern where time rate is slowing down, eventually it must stop.; just...
  9. Q

    Question about time and measurement

    Thanks for your efforts you guys but I am unsubscribing from these threads. I feel more insulted then helped anymore and have gotten no farther for the effort I will read what I can on my own
  10. Q

    Question about time and measurement

    I agree. Well in the scenario the distance between them is shrinking. so either one is moving towards the other or they are both moving towards each other. Ok so I can't tell, and you can tell, and I can tell that you can tell, that I do not understand something about this principle. Is...
  11. Q

    Time Measurement: How Is Time Measured?

    Drakkith I don't wan to seem unnappreciative because I totally am appreciative and want you to continue responding. But maybe read a bit slower. I said that the sun is also at rest in respect to the earth. which is orbiting the sun and moving. The only reason I bring up the fact that the...
  12. Q

    Time Measurement: How Is Time Measured?

    Again, i want to ask... So Drakkith you are saying that we cannot know what we are in motion without an object with appears stationary to reference from. But let's say our entire galaxy were in motion, which it probably is. And i don't mean the stars inside it are moving, this is obvious, I...
  13. Q

    Time Measurement: How Is Time Measured?

    Could we in the situation where we are trying to make the clock at rest (in respect to the earth, and in respect to the sun which is also at rest in respect to the earth) account for the acceleration away from the sun it would undergo to keep at a fixed location? I would be surprised if its...
  14. Q

    Question about time and measurement

    In that last post the part about the tickers, were going to assume that the tickers receive the signal and are automated to account for the time it took for the signal to reach the object and the starting distance. the signal is RF so it travels at lightspeed and it won't matter how fast each...
  15. Q

    Question about time and measurement

    OOOOH .. Kay i get exactly where this translation was lost. So if we were to all of the sudden become conscious and another object were all of the sudden to become conscious, they would have no idea which one was moving right? But what I can't grasp is, one of these objects was accelerated to...