Recent content by quantumgeography

  1. quantumgeography

    A Magnetic monopole discovery, but not the creation

    If there is nothing special about them, why then we do not detected them yet? I am discussing here the probability that we can not found things that just does not exist (that's why I am asking RELIABLE theories, that can PREDICT and not SUPPOSE magnetic monopoles discovery).
  2. quantumgeography

    A Magnetic monopole discovery, but not the creation

    Can we expect natural (as found in nature and not invovling anything made or done by people) magnetic monopoles discovery?
  3. quantumgeography

    A Magnetic monopole discovery, but not the creation

    Yes, magnetic monopoles are not fundamental particles (,because they are not proven yet) ,but they are hypothetical elementary particles in particle physics.
  4. quantumgeography

    A Magnetic monopole discovery, but not the creation

    Thank you for your observation, but the question remains.
  5. quantumgeography

    A Magnetic monopole discovery, but not the creation

    You have probably all heard about magnetic monopoles creation ,but I just want to ask is there theoretical basis (without denying already proven theories) which would allow us to expect natural magnetic monopoles discovery?
  6. quantumgeography

    I Quantum mechanics is not weird, unless presented as such

    ,,It is safe to say that nobody understands quantum mechanics.'' Richard Feynman. I think QM will not be so weird, if it will be as usual as history lessons in a school programs. The only problem here is that a lot of people are not ready for this.
  7. quantumgeography

    Reconciling Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity: Progress and Challenges

    ,,The BICEP2 results will also send some string theorists back to the drawing board , says Frank Wilczek, a theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate at MIT,, So, he was wrong?
  8. quantumgeography

    Reconciling Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity: Progress and Challenges

    ,,The BICEP2 results will also send some string theorists back to the drawing board, says Frank Wilczek, a theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate at MIT. String theory posits that elementary particles are made of tiny vibrating loops of energy. Efforts to combine string theory with cosmology...
  9. quantumgeography

    Reconciling Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity: Progress and Challenges

    I heard that gravitational waves detection would disprove, or make a lot of problems to string theory. Is it true?