Recent content by Quantum_Grid

  1. Q

    Charged Particle Motion in a Magnetic Field

    Ah, thanks! Indeed I do. And that was off of an equation/constant sheet my professor gave me! Thanks again, I knew it was something like that.
  2. Q

    Charged Particle Motion in a Magnetic Field

    Homework Statement A proton is moving through a vertical magnetic field. The (instantaneous) velocity of the proton is 8.5x105m/s horizontally in the north direction. The (instantaneous) acceleration produced by the magnetic force is 2.90x105m/s2 in the west direction. What is the magnitude...
  3. Q

    Anyone here got accepted at MIT as an undergraduate?

    Or people who backhandedly brag about going to MIT by 'rolling their eyes' at anyone who has a negative opinion of it?
  4. Q

    First Year Physics Struggles - Does it Get Easier?

    Thanks again guys. I am going to keep trying as hard as I can, and I think you guys have boosted my confidence a little.
  5. Q

    First Year Physics Struggles - Does it Get Easier?

    You know, really I think that's my biggest problem. I have some bad study habits, I tend to get distracted pretty easily. I'd like to set up a different study area in my room further away from my computer, cause right now, I always stop and start messing with my computer...
  6. Q

    First Year Physics Struggles - Does it Get Easier?

    Thanks for the responses guys, it just gets discouraging at times. I really thought I was ready for this class going into it, but once we got about a week in, it just started to make me feel... well, dumb. I am going to keep working at it. So just to be clear, some of you guys who are in...
  7. Q

    First Year Physics Struggles - Does it Get Easier?

    It's a calculus based course, and it's really basic stuff, I guess. The test we just had was mostly on kinematics in 2 dimensions. It seems like it should be easier, but I don't know... The average in this class last year was a 49% so maybe that says something...
  8. Q

    First Year Physics Struggles - Does it Get Easier?

    Okay, guys, I got a serious question for you: I'm really struggling to keep up in this physics class (first year calc-based classical stuff). I mean, this stuff is hard as hell to up with, I study constantly and I still feel like I'm not quite getting it. So my question is this: Does it...
  9. Q

    Undergraduate Reaearch Internships

    Cool, thanks for the advice. I started looking, and it doesn't appear that there are app's for summer 2010 REU's up yer, so I will just keep an eye out for updates...
  10. Q

    Lingusitics Good Foreign Language for Physicists

    Chinese seems like it would be pretty hard. I can't decide between Spanish, German, Italian, or French...
  11. Q

    Undergraduate Reaearch Internships

    Yeah, well most applications for physics REU's say you have to be at least a junior, and I think some say at least sophomore. I really like the idea of helping out some professors at my school though to gain experience, I am going to start asking around about that. I think the NSF REU's look...
  12. Q

    Lingusitics Good Foreign Language for Physicists

    Yeah a friend of mine let me borrow his Italian version of RS, and it seemed pretty cool. I don't know what it's like in the long term though, as in actually learning to speak a language fluently. I would like to hear some opinions about that from someone who has spent some time with the software.
  13. Q

    Undergraduate Reaearch Internships

    Cool, thanks. I figured I would have to wait until my junior year, but I didn't even think about assisting a professor at my school. I will definitely look into that!
  14. Q

    Undergraduate Reaearch Internships

    Hey guys; I am in my second semester as a freshman physics major, and I have a 3.8 GPA. I am REALLY interested in doing one of those REU as soon as I can. How many people here have done one of these? How hard is it to get selected? What can I do to better my chances of getting on on one...
  15. Q

    Lingusitics Good Foreign Language for Physicists

    well like i said, i would like to do some REU at CERN, and speaking some French would definitely help. when i get out of school with a PhD though, i have no idea yet what i want to do.