Recent content by quantizedzeus

  1. Q

    Rocket-man measuring speed of light

    Suppose a rocket is traveling almost at the speed of light...but relativity says he will still measure the speed of light 3*10^8...if a beam of light is sent at the time the rocket started...if the beam of light and the rocket both travel the same distance, let 2 light minutes, then what will...
  2. Q

    Exploring Conic Sections: What are They and Why are They Important?

    Why are these curves so special that they are found in nature so frequently?...
  3. Q

    Exploring Conic Sections: What are They and Why are They Important?

    I'm totally confused...i don't understand conic sections. Why do these curves so special? They are described as results of a cone cut by a plane and the equations are constructed from the distances from a point and directrix. We find evidence of these curves everywhere-in projectiles, in...
  4. Q

    History of the Binomial Theorem

    Thanks everyone...i've got it..btw can anyone tell me where i can find a lot of mathematical problems for practice...specially permutation and combination problems...
  5. Q

    Gravitational force between everyday objects

    Oh...thanks everyone..this is what i wanted to know ...
  6. Q

    History of the Binomial Theorem

    I just wanted to know how was the binomial theorem discovered...which problems or consequences led mathematicians towards its discoverery...!...
  7. Q

    History of the Binomial Theorem

    Where did the binomial theorem come from...?
  8. Q

    Gravitational force between everyday objects

    Gravitational force between everyday objects... I know It's a common question...but i could not find satisfactory answer...the question is "if every objects are attracting each others then why don't we see the daily objects attracting each others...?? Then how could Cavendish make his...
  9. Q

    Being a theoretical physicist.

    Being a theoretical physicist... Do i need to be that talented or genius to be theoretical physicist...?
  10. Q

    Change in direction and acceleration

    Why and how does Change in direction of a moving body accelerate it?
  11. Q

    Becoming a Theoretical Physicist for A-Level Students

    Theoretical physicist... I'm an A-level student...i want to be a theoretical physicist...what am i supposed to do right now...can anyone guide me...i know i should have been a bit specific while asking this...but i want to have a general guidence for it...!...thanks for any kind of help...
  12. Q

    Can anyone tell me how the graph would be if the equation is XY=K(K is

    Can anyone tell me how the graph would be if the equation is XY=K(K is constant)?...
  13. Q

    Permutations: Need Help Understanding?

    Permutation...need help... I don't get the permutation problem about phone numbers...where i can use the same number for several times...or how to put letters in postbox..where i can put all the letters in only one postbox...can anyone explain the general rule and ideas of this kind of...
  14. Q

    Speed of Light: Exploring Its Variations

    Speed of light... It makes no sense to me that if the speed of light is always c...then in different mediums why this speed changes...?? I may have got it in a wrong way...But can anyone help me out in detail...(thanks)