Recent content by Quantaliinuxite

  1. Q

    I Bike going downhill brakes front wheel

    Well, again I intuitively see it in this situation, but my guess is that thinking about it as a point mass isn't enough to understand what's going on isn't it? I think that the collision would only happens at one point on the wheel, while the rest of the bike would want to continue moving...
  2. Q

    I Bike going downhill brakes front wheel

    I'm an avid bike rider and a first year physics student. A couple days ago a friend of mine told me about how his friend was going downhill on her bike, used her front brake, and went over. I would like to determine what the minimum speed for a given slope angle is for the biker to do a full...
  3. Q

    Intro Math Rigorous math/physics self teaching material?

    Hi guys, So, I'm a high school senior about to graduate, and because of reasons, I most likely will not be attending a college next year. However, I will apply to colleges next year for a Physics major. In the meantime, I would like to use my time wisely, and I was thinking that the smart thing...