Recent content by pulsar28

  1. P

    Gravity verses electromagnetic attraction

    We`ve seen how particles in zero gravity form clumps through electro magnetic attraction, and that these clumps will then develop gravitational forces. Isn`t then gravity merely the same as this electro magnetic attraction only on a larger scale?
  2. P

    How many believe in the Big Rip

    Hi, here are 2 links to further information.
  3. P

    How many believe in the Big Rip

    ... R.I.P... rest in peace? I would be interested to know how many of you accept this theory as the probable fate of our universe. For me, this is probably one of the harder ideas to swallow because even if it is true, the idea of everything ceasing to exist is hard!
  4. P

    What material is best for a novice seeking knowledge about the world around us?

    Thanks for that - I will give those titles a look. By the way when you say my comfort level, what exactly do you mean? If it`s what I think you mean, then I think I would be put off by a book full of formulae and mathematical equations. I guess I`m one of those potential sci fi enthusiasts who...
  5. P

    What material is best for a novice seeking knowledge about the world around us?

    Yes, that sounds about right. I want to know more but to retain my passion for the subject without becoming immersed in formulae and very technical matter. I find that just asking questions in forums such as this one, I seem to answer my own questions and this helps me progress. Thanks.
  6. P

    What material is best for a novice seeking knowledge about the world around us?

    Hi, as I become more and more interested in the `stuff` surrounding us, I find myself requiring more information. Can anyone advise me on what material would be suited to me in my quest for knowledge? What I don`t want is loads of mathematical symbols as I have no grounding in physics/chemistry...
  7. P

    Why do gas planets not collapse?

    Hello all, Ok I`m new to this forum so please don`t shout at me if this is a silly question :) I have been wondering why it is that planets like Jupiter which have the gravitational pull to have moons orbiting them - why they then don`t collapse into solid spheres under their own gravity?