Recent content by ptownbro

  1. ptownbro

    Figuring Subscripts in Single Replacement Equations

    A couple questions. First in regards to this: How can a compound be ionic and neutral? Maybe I don't understand the distinction in definition. I thought an ion is something with a charge, either positive or negative. So if it's neutral, doesn't it have a net zero charge? Meaning it's not an...
  2. ptownbro

    Figuring Subscripts in Single Replacement Equations

    Homework Statement When figuring out the product from a reaction using single replacement type of a reaction, we believe we understand what the elements and compounds will be produced but can't figure out how the subscripts are calculated/determined in some examples. #1 ZnS + O2 ---> ZnO + S...
  3. ptownbro

    Electron Energy Level Fall at a Given Wave Length

    Yes! Thank you for all your help and patience.
  4. ptownbro

    Energy release and levels during electron transition

    Excellent. Thank you. So to correct what I did in each above, I should use R=+2.18 x 10^-18 J in each (instead of R=-2.18 x 10^-18 J like I did) Thanks again
  5. ptownbro

    Electron Energy Level Fall at a Given Wave Length

    Ok. I saw your edits and let's see if I've got this straight now. Starting from my result for energy where I found E = 18.07*10^-20 J. If I've understood you, if the level is going up, then I use the positive version of this number. If it's falling I have to make it a negative. Therefore, the...
  6. ptownbro

    Electron Energy Level Fall at a Given Wave Length

    Ok. Thanks. Just so I'm clear =D... The answer is x = 2.27 Do you just round down to 2 and say that if went from n=2 to n=3?
  7. ptownbro

    Energy release and levels during electron transition

    Her teacher does't do a good job of explaining and leaves you to have to guess a lot. So, sorry I don't have a clearer question. Anyway, if I understand this... Please confirm or correct where I'm wrong. =D There different Ryberg constants that can be used depending on the context of the...
  8. ptownbro

    Electron Energy Level Fall at a Given Wave Length

    Hm. Why would it be that way? It's falling from n=? to n=3. I read that is n=? is the starting point (or n1) and n=3 is the final (or n2) n=? is the initial and the start which is n1 in equation (or x in my expamle) n=3 is the final which is n2 in equation So if the formula is: ΔE = R ( 1 /...
  9. ptownbro

    Electron Energy Level Fall at a Given Wave Length

    I'm sorry, but I don't see what you mean here? I don't see a difference in a sign as you indicated.
  10. ptownbro

    Electron Energy Level Fall at a Given Wave Length

    So I've reworked my math and here's where I'm at now. Again, the question is: An electron in the H atom falls from n=(?) to n=3. The wave length of the emitted photon is 1100 nm. From what level did the photon fall? From my original work above, I was able to get from 1100 nm to figure out the...
  11. ptownbro

    Electron Energy Level Fall at a Given Wave Length

    I got the "Change in Energy" equation from the following youtube video: I also understood and assumed that "Change in Energy" is the "amount of energy" released when the electrons change levels. So to me it made sense to make those equal to each other. So, re-written, it should read as...
  12. ptownbro

    Energy release and levels during electron transition

    Could you maybe give me the question in a restated way as an example with the piece missing so we could get a hint of where to look?
  13. ptownbro

    Electron Energy Level Fall at a Given Wave Length

    The energy of the photon. While I fix my Algebra, can you tell me if we're on the right track and if our thinking is correct?
  14. ptownbro

    Energy release and levels during electron transition

    I also added a more complicated question somewhat related o this, but I need to understand this basic part first I believe. All examples I've found use a given "Electron Volts" but my daughter's questions do not. So having hard time to translate what I've read to this.