Recent content by Psych101

  1. P

    Medical Brain terminology question - association areas?

    Thank you for clarifying this for me.
  2. P

    Medical Brain terminology question - association areas?

    I am also quite surprised that the cortical magnification for your eyes are disproportionately small compared to the amount of perceived sensitivity your eyes have. I mean I find violent media which features eye-gouging to be the most disturbing and disgusting. Hell, anything that even threatens...
  3. P

    Medical Brain terminology question - association areas?

    Here's an interesting fact from one of my textbooks. Page 179 of Chapter 7 of Biopsychology by John Pinel says in the "Check It Out" activity the following interesting fact: The human back takes up such a small cortical area on the somatosensory Motor Homunculus (relative to its skin surface...
  4. P

    Medical Handling college stress by exercise?

    Actually, lurking or posting on Physics Forum is FAR more productive than lurking or posting a forum like Encyclopedia Dramatica Forum or The content on this site is at least educational, and more importantly it is at least possibly to have an educational and intellectual...
  5. P

    Medical Brain terminology question - association areas?

    I added the following part: gustatory (taste) functions. See the picture in the link below and initiating motor activities which are sent from the...
  6. P

    Theory of Evolution disproved? (satire)

    ""Bananas disprove Evolution! Look how well they fit into your hands. Indeed Gawd designed the banana so that it can most easily fit in your hands! ""~~Ray Comfort. My response: Yep that disproves evil-lution. (facepalm)
  7. P

    Are You Nerdier Than Half the Population?

    Overall, you scored as follows: 30% scored higher (more nerdy), 1% scored the same, and 69% scored lower (less nerdy). ^^^I found the above statistics pretty unsurprising. Now can somebody please give me examples of how to make the results of this survey more accurate? The reason I...
  8. P

    Do you think having a boyfriend/girlfriend while in college lowers performance?

    It depends on whether or not you spend too much time on the boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Please keep in mind that having such a relationship can be very time-consuming especially if you (and your girlfriend or boyfriend are extremely dedicated to spending an inordinate amount of time on...
  9. P

    I Just Discovered the Best Way to Learn New Terms for School

    You still need to use the words to some regularity. Besides you can do that either through reading your textbooks a lot (which gives you a meaningful context to put those words in. That is one of the main ways we are able to acquire so many words in vocabulary) and doing problems (which require...
  10. P

    I Just Discovered the Best Way to Learn New Terms for School

    I noticed that a lot of people simply use flashcards over and over again for studying the terminology of various subjects. Or they just re-read the terms and their definitions over and over again from their notes or textbook. While this can help you study for an exam via cramming, the problem is...
  11. P

    Do You Guys Keep Your University Textbooks or Sell Them?

    Well most textbooks are worth keeping around especially if they are the subject (s) you are majoring in. I couldn't agree with you anymore!
  12. P

    Studying for Psychology Compared to Biology, Kinesiology and Sociology

    I haven't taken any Biology, Kinesiology, or Sociology courses in university, but from what I've heard from my friends and other sources the studying methods for Psychology courses are very similar to Biology, Kinesiology, or Sociology. That's not because Psychology is an interdisciplinary field...
  13. P

    Do You Guys Keep Your University Textbooks or Sell Them?

    At least many of the textbooks which I've bought for my undergrad (which were used by the way) didn't have much highlighting in them. Here in North America I heard textbooks would be sold for a lower and not higher price if they had more highlighting. Anything, I think it is obviously BEST...
  14. P

    Do You Guys Keep Your University Textbooks or Sell Them?

    I use to sell a lot of my university textbooks (mainly because I was just following what other people around me were doing. Basically I was following the herd so to speak), but it wasn't until recently (as in the past couple of weeks) that I realized that it can sometimes be a very bad idea to...
  15. P

    Job opportunities with a Physics Masters

    I am currently in my third year of BA Psychology, and recently I came to amazing revelation that I might (or more likely almost certainly) will have a very tough time doing Social Work or any other form of Human-Relations Extensive job that's commonly associated with Psych undergrads. I am...