Recent content by PSRB191921

  1. PSRB191921

    MCNP Help: 10 Particles Lost

    Hi, you are trying to calculate an F5 (and F15) at (0,0,0) where your neutrons are emitted. Try to remove this calculation point, like this : F5:N 10 0 0 1 20 0 0 1 30 0 0 1 40 0 0 1 50 0 0 1 60 0 0 1 70 0 0 1 80 0 0 1 90 0 0 1 100 0 0 1...
  2. PSRB191921

    I need help in solving the problem of the code written with MCNPX 2.6

    Hi, To calculate a spectrum in Ge, the tally F8 is the right tally. In the MCNP pack I don't think there is a proton library for B-11, so a model is applied (you can look in your xsdir or your output file). I don't know if this is the problem but you should try installing a p-B11 library to try.
  3. PSRB191921

    What Could Be Causing Unexpected Results in the LET Analysis with MCNP6.2?

    Hi, The your result is logical. 1E-5 is in MeV/cm i.e. 100 keV/µm but for electrons the LET is much lower than this value: all results are in the bin 0 - 1E-5 therefore also between 0 and 1e-3. you should sample between 0 and less than 10 keV/µm
  4. PSRB191921

    MCNP code for Neutron Spectroscopy

    Am-Be is not a fission source, so it is not a watt spectrum. You must input the spectrum by bin.
  5. PSRB191921

    MCNP code for Neutron Spectroscopy

    with F5:n x y z .1 you calculate the fluence at the coordinate (x,y,z). With DE/DF the fluence is transformed into equivalent dose. In my input file I put : F5:n 0 0 10 .1 for a distance of 10 cm from the source F15:n 0 0 50 .1 for a distance of 50 cm from the source F25:n 0 0 100 .1 for a...
  6. PSRB191921

    Calculating Microdosimetry in MCNP

    this is my Excel file
  7. PSRB191921

    Calculating Microdosimetry in MCNP

    with your file and my processing it gives: not so bad! Some convergence problem (with more nps it will be ok)
  8. PSRB191921

    MCNP code for Neutron Spectroscopy

    your dose calculation is strange, because: - you do the calculation through a sphere while the notion of dose is punctual. In principle with mcnp we calculate the fluence at a point (for example with a type 5 tally) and we apply a DE/DF to it. - Cf-252 is a spectrum not monoenergetic at 2.26 MeV...
  9. PSRB191921

    Calculating Microdosimetry in MCNP

    I don't know your processing code, can you give your output file I will try with my processing code (Excel :-)) I think your curve is for alpha, can your try with protons and alpha+ protons ?
  10. PSRB191921

    Calculating Microdosimetry in MCNP

    you must change your importance (you have imp:n,e=1) put in block 3 : imp:n 1 1 1 0 imp:h,a 1 1 0 0 The 7th parameter of the “phys:n” card and “phys:p” is set to 1 to ensure the generation and transport of recoil and (n,p) protons as well as recoil heavy ions : PHYS:N 20 20 0 J J J 1 -1 J J J 0...
  11. PSRB191921

    Calculating Microdosimetry in MCNP

    can you give your mcnp input file ?
  12. PSRB191921

    Calculating Microdosimetry in MCNP

    The lineal energy distribution for each secondary heavy charged particle is estimated using a F6 tally type for energy deposit coupled to a pulse height tally F8 for each heavy charged particle specie. An anticoincidence pulse height card, i.e., “ft8 phl”, is added to the F8 tally for counting...
  13. PSRB191921

    Calculating Microdosimetry in MCNP

    Hi, For a TEPC irradiated with neutrons you must calculated the energy deposition of all secondary charged particules: protons, alpha, heavy ions and possibly deuterons, tritons. Electrons and photons can be neglected. For neutrons of 14 MeV a lineal energy of 10 keV/µm gives the maximum of the...
  14. PSRB191921

    MCNP code for Neutron Spectroscopy

    I would have used a F4:n 6