Recent content by psid

  1. P

    Unit Vectors for Ellipse: How Do You Find the Tangential and Normal Vectors?

    Thanks for the reply. The above expression yields tangent vector rather easily: \hat{T}=\frac{-a\sin{\theta}\hat{i}+b\cos{\theta}\hat{j}}{\sqrt{a^{2}\sin^{2}{\theta}+b^{2}\cos^{2}{\theta}}}. But taking the derivative of this yields multiple pages of output in Mathemathica and is not very...
  2. P

    Unit Vectors for Ellipse: How Do You Find the Tangential and Normal Vectors?

    Homework Statement Find the tangential and normal unit vectors for an ellipse with major axis of length a in the x-direction and minor axis of length b in the y-direction. Homework Equations For a circle, the unit vectors are defined as \hat{r}=\cos{\theta}\hat{i}+\sin{\theta}\hat{j}...
  3. P

    Velocity as a function of radial distance on an elliptical trajectory

    Homework Statement Assume that a point on an ellipse is described by the vector r=m(a\cos{\theta},b\sin{\theta}), where 0\leq m\leq 1 and that the vector is rotating in the clockwise direction at constant tangential velocity W when m=1. The problem is to find the velocity W(m). Also...
  4. P

    Ideas for a physics related programming exercise

    I'm a physics student and need to come up with an idea for a relatively simple program for a programming exercise. The scope of the work is 5 ECTS credits which translates to about three weeks full time work. The program should probably include a simple gui so part of the effort goes into...
  5. P

    Getting programming experience

    Well the task would have been writing a software to analyze measured data. It seems it's difficult to find any open source projects for this kind of work, ie. scientific programming...
  6. P

    Getting programming experience

    I'm a physics student facing unemployment for the coming summer. I made it to couple of interviews but it seems that didn't get the positions because of lack of actual real world programming experience even thought the positions were aimed for a physicist. Well, I thought that now that I have...
  7. P

    Solving a Differential Equation: y'/(1+y'^2) = 2y^2 + C

    But the problem with this substitution is that there is a second power of y in the square root. Thus there will be a term including y for the expression for dt...
  8. P

    Solving a Differential Equation: y'/(1+y'^2) = 2y^2 + C

    It is indeed separable. I get it into the following form, but don't know how to integrate dx=\sqrt{\frac{((2/\gamma)y^{2}+C)^{2}}{1-((2/\gamma)y^{2}+C)^{2}}}dy
  9. P

    Solving a Differential Equation: y'/(1+y'^2) = 2y^2 + C

    Homework Statement How to solve the following DE: \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+(dy/dx)^{2}}}=\frac{2y^{2}}{2}+C?
  10. P

    Inverse Laplace Transform of \frac{1}{\sqrt{s+1}}: How to Calculate

    Homework Statement Where to begin when trying to calculate the inverse Laplace transform of \hat{f}(s)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{s+1}}? I know it's tabulated, but I'd like to calculate it without resorting to a tabulated result. Thanks
  11. P

    Elliptic Integral Homework: Calculate \int_{0}^{\pi/2}\frac{dx}{\sqrt{\sin{x}}}

    Thanks. I get it to the form 2\int_{0}^{\pi/4}\frac{d\phi}{\sqrt{1-2(sin\phi)^{2}}}, which in my opinion equals 2F(\sqrt{2},\pi/4), but according to Mathematica, the answer is \sqrt{2}K(1/2).
  12. P

    Elliptic Integral Homework: Calculate \int_{0}^{\pi/2}\frac{dx}{\sqrt{\sin{x}}}

    Homework Statement The problem is to calculate integral \int_{0}^{\pi/2}\frac{dx}{\sqrt{\sin{x}}} by transforming it into elliptical form (complete elliptical integral of first kind).
  13. P

    Proving the Integral of a Limit of a Function

    Thanks, got it right now. The limit was indeed before the integral sign.
  14. P

    Proving the Integral of a Limit of a Function

    Homework Statement How does one prove that \int^\infty_{-\infty}\lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0}(1/\pi)\frac{\epsilon g(x)}{(x-a)^{2}+\epsilon^{2}}dx=g(a)?
  15. P

    Thermodynamics: integrating partial derivatives

    Homework Statement Given that mechanical equation of state for a paramagnetic substance is m=\left(\frac{DH}{T}\right) where D is a constant, H is the magnetic field, m is molar magnetization and the molar heat capacity c_{m} is constant, find entropy and enthalpy Homework Equations...