Recent content by pseudophonist

  1. P

    When does LiAlH4 act as a base and when does it act as a nucleophile?

    the proper charge in AlH4 (-) is on the aluminium not the hydrogen. Essentially the negative charge density on the hydrogen is too low for them to act as a base. This isn't to say it won't, but that the nucleophilicity of the aluminium is high enough that the acid-base reaction is of low...
  2. P

    How Useful is the Concept of Wave Function in Biochemistry?

    classical behavior is just the limit of quantum behaviour. The equations should give you the same results.
  3. P

    How Useful is the Concept of Wave Function in Biochemistry?

    Objects which behave classically always have de Broglie wavelength much smaller than their physical dimensions.
  4. P

    Why is the MO theory for O2 different from VB theory?

    True enough, I didn't know about Wheland. MO does make the prediction of oxygen's magnetic properties very easy to see though, while it was thought for a long time that VB theory couldn't predict that.
  5. P

    Why do high frequency states get less energy?

    High frequency quanta have higher energy. At the very highest frequencies the equipartitioned energy is lower than the energy for a single quantum, so these states have no energy in them. What you're really after is the derivation of Planck's law of black body radiation.
  6. P

    How Useful is the Concept of Wave Function in Biochemistry?

    As far as electrons are concerned, wavefunctions are always important. If you're modelling the entire system as a wavefunction then I would guess that the point where the physical size of the system (on the order of the distance between the two most distant nucleii) is larger than the wavelength...
  7. P

    Why is the MO theory for O2 different from VB theory?

    If you want to know what's really going on, you have to set up and solve the schrodinger equation for the system. This is difficult and sometimes unsolvable, so we have some simpler models. One is hybridization theory, which is the mixing of atomic orbitals to make hybrid orbitals for one...
  8. P

    Why water boils at higher temperature at higher pressure

    The equation which governs the slope of the liquid-vapour phase boundary is the Clapeyron Equation: \frac{dp}{dT}=\frac{1}{T}(\frac{\Delta H}{\Delta V})_{Vaporisation} For vaporisation, \Delta H is positive (you have to supply heat to vaporise a liquid; endothermic processes have positive...
  9. P

    Vacuum travel formula creation

    t=\sqrt{\frac{4s}{g}} where t is the time, s is the distance and g is the accelleration. Calculated using the fact that distance traveled is the area underneath a velocity-time graph.
  10. P

    Learning Resources - Semiconductor Physics

    Over the past 3 months I've been watching Leonard Susskind's lectures (Stanford) on quantum mechanics and particle physics from YouTube. This has been an enjoyable experience and I would like to further my own education. My interest is in semiconductor physics particularly modelling using the...
  11. P

    Electrical, Electronics or Mechanical engineer?

    Calculus and complex numbers are essential for Electrical engineering; you need to be really comfortable with them to be good at electrical engineering. The introductory courses you're doing now are probably a good indication of which degree you'll enjoy more. Interestingly, all the engineers...
  12. P

    Electrical, Electronics or Mechanical engineer?

    As far as I'm aware, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers earn approximately the same; other factors such as the type of industry you work in, the company you work for and other economic factors will probably have a greater impact on how much than whether you're mechanical or electrical. I did a...
  13. P

    When will a material burn if a laser is shone on it?

    The material will burn if: a) it is oxidizable b) there is a source of oxygen c) the temperature is high enough for it to react. Alumina isn't easy to oxidise since its in quite a high oxidation state already. Ablation is another worry; make sure your melting point is higher than the...
  14. P

    Can anybody find a mistake in this Avatar photo?

    Not only that, the Na'avi also have only 4 limbs unlike the rest of (assumedly) vertebrate life on their planet, which have 6. So the Na'avi aren't just inconsistent with life as we know it, but also life as the rest of Pandora knows it.
  15. P

    Can anybody find a mistake in this Avatar photo?

    When arguing fiction, don't forget to use all the resources. Pandora kept warm by the magic of Unobtainium, anyone? (did anyone else cringe when they mentioned that name?)