Recent content by Protonic

  1. P

    We all know Techno,Trance and House. Then there's he dark genres of

    We all know Techno,Trance and House. Then there's he dark genres of EBM,Industrial, and Elektro. But is this music or part of a culture. An article I read said goths are smarter than the average joe and are more likely to choose electronics for their job,business, or poetry. Ravers a lot may not...
  2. P

    Exploring the Science Behind Lightning Formation in Clouds

    U mean the charge going up into the cloud or the lightning itself?
  3. P

    Exploring the Science Behind Lightning Formation in Clouds

    Why doesn't it lightning on a cloudy day? I mean lightnings when there are rain clouds but normal clouds on a sunny day don't yeild lightning. Is it rainwater's conductivity?
  4. P

    Degree in EP garauntee a job

    I'm considering a career in Engineering-Physics. I want to know does a degree in EP garauntee a job as good as one in a particular branch in engineering?
  5. P

    The Space Tent: A Revolutionary Idea for Structuring Martian Towns

    With nanotechnology doesn't someone have selfrepairing plastic?
  6. P

    The Space Tent: A Revolutionary Idea for Structuring Martian Towns

    Yes Mars is 1/3 the size of Earth/ I know he atmosphere is far thinner but it could deflect and bun small asteroids. Besides if any asteroid large enough to make huge craes hit our colony it wouldn't matte if the cover was made of glass or plastic.
  7. P

    The Space Tent: A Revolutionary Idea for Structuring Martian Towns

    That's why I sai I wouldn't make it on The Moon. It has no atmosphere. This would be for Mars and thick atmosphered planets. Besides hey use an airbag on The Space Station.
  8. P

    The Space Tent: A Revolutionary Idea for Structuring Martian Towns

    Hey we've all seen those movies and documentaries where civilization has buil giant glass domes on The Moon or oher planets. I say this is structurally unsound. It's going to break or atleast crack. I divised an idea called The Space Tent. We take a giant plastic bag the size of our martian...