Recent content by projektMayhem

  1. P

    How/Where does matter spontaneously materialize?

    There is no evidence of the existence or non-existence of a god, nor is it wise to expect such. You are wasting time debating with religious people - the very nature of faith is the rejection of reason and hence no argument you bring can be successful, by definition. In fact, you will have the...
  2. P

    UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record

    The most pertinent report to this thread is the COMETA report, as it was the catalyst for the author taking up her investigation.
  3. P

    UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record

    I see some smart people behaving in strange ways, here. The thread is about the book, not necessarily the phenomenon in general. The author took great care to present only those cases that have defied conventional explanation. In particular, I find two cases compelling: The case of the...
  4. P

    UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record

    Yes, however when you have observations by multiple people, from multiple locations, corroborated with radar measurements... then it is irrational to say that it is simply a helicopter, or anything else that doesn't actually match the description. I am not convinced that any of the reports...
  5. P

    UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record

    The thread seems to have been derailed... so I'll toss in my $0.02 :) If we accept the reports in the book at face value, then it appears we have a conundrum. Observations: a) These craft exhibit maneuverability and general flight characteristics thought to be beyond our current...
  6. P

    News Ron Paul voted the most popular speaker at CPAC

    I'm sorry but I have to take issue with this. The greed and corruption inherent in big business has poisoned our political system. Until we limit politicians to only accepting donations from living breathing citizens (plus a set amount of tax payer dollars) the corporations will be able to exert...
  7. P

    News Ron Paul voted the most popular speaker at CPAC

    Say what you will about the man's politics... the fact is that he is one of the few who actually speaks his mind - even if his ideas lack practicality. Moreover, he would appear to be one of the few who respects constitutional boundaries. I'll agree he's not presidential material, but congress...
  8. P

    Mathematica Problem with conditional statement in Mathematica

    I am trying to iterate a solution to a non-linear differential equation - but I am unable to evaluate a statement within a Do loop Code: Do[q = Cos[Evaluate[x'[i]/.up]]; If[ q <= 1, Print[q], Print[i], Print[i^2]], {i, 0.1, 1, .1}] x'[i] is a solution to NDSolve The output is i^2, which is...
  9. P

    News Is economic collapse in the United States imminent?

    I don't think it's so far fetched. What do you suppose would happen if they buy gold instead of our bonds?
  10. P

    News Is economic collapse in the United States imminent?

    I'm sorry, but I must point out the one critical point people seem to have missed here: we are not only running MASSIVE budget deficits, we are also running incredibly large trade deficits - to china in particular. IMHO, yes, an economic collapse is imminent. We are, in fact, one of the...
  11. P

    Poynting's Theorem: Joule Heating in Cylindrical Conductor

    Pfft, yeah what he said. sorry for the bogus post.
  12. P

    Poynting's Theorem: Joule Heating in Cylindrical Conductor

    That won't be enough. The theorem relates (in this particular case) the time rate of change of the energy density to to the integral you have given. More generally, you'd also have to integrate over the poynting vector itself. In this case, however, the poynting vector is zero because of the...
  13. P

    How Does Measurement Affect a Two-State Quantum System?

    so, tell me if this is absurd: for t1 < t < t2: |X(t)> = (cos x)|E1>exp(-i E1 (t1 - t) / h) + (sin x)|E2>exp(-i E2 (t1 - t) / h) then: <Q1|X(t2)> = exp(-iE1 (t2 - t1)/h) [ (cos x)^2 + (sin x)^2 exp(-i(E2 - E1)(t2 - t1)/h) so, P(Q1) = (cos x)^4 + (sin x)^4 + 2(cos x)^2 (sin x)^2 cos[(E2 -...
  14. P

    How Does Measurement Affect a Two-State Quantum System?

    i think the answer to my last question was no.