Recent content by princeton118

  1. P

    Recommend a textbook about differential equations

    Can someone recommend a textbook about differential equations? I am going to study it by myself, so I need a good textbook! Thanks!
  2. P

    The Lorentz Group in General Relativity

    What role does the Lorentz Group play in the General Relativity ?
  3. P

    Question about the notation in Quantum Physics

    Does the \langle \phi \rangle means \langle0|\phi|0\rangle? What does |\phi| exactly mean?
  4. P

    I'm sorry, I am not able to generate webpage titles for user's content.

    What is the rotation transformation generator? What is the Lorentz group generator?
  5. P

    Lorentz Transformation: Conservation of Inner Product?

    Is Lorentz transformation one kind of coordinate transformation? If so, the conservation of inner product, which is the primary property of Lorentz Transformation, is trivial, isn't it? The vector transforms in some way, the metric transforms in the inverse way, so the inner product defintely...
  6. P

    How can we accurately compute the matrix exponential?

    How to calculate a matrix's exponential? e.g exp(-iaL), where L is a 4*4 matrix (like a group generator )
  7. P

    Spurion & Symmetry: Meaning, Breaking & Explanations

    What is the meaning of "spurion"? How can it break the symmetry? Which book give some good explanations about this theory? Thanks!
  8. P

    Where Can I Find a Comprehensive Mathematics Dictionary?

    Someone can recommend some good mathematics dictionary or handbook which is comprehensive, completeness and which states the mathematical notions clearly. Thanks!
  9. P

    What is the significance of SU(2,4) in Group Theory?

    But in the Generalized Linear Group the second term in the parentheses is the Field. But here what does the "4" mean?
  10. P

    What is the significance of SU(2,4) in Group Theory?

    What does this expression, SU(2,4), mean?
  11. P

    Differential Geometry for General Relativity

    I am reading Frankel's book. But it is the first edition. Is the change between the first edition and the second edition very big and significant?