Recent content by PPFusion

  1. P

    Physics Accelerator Physics - A field where jobs go begging

    What are good UK institutions to do a PhD in accelerator physics?
  2. P

    Can Lack of Direction Lead to Depression in PhD Students?

    If you are in the UK all three years are Research. This is because you will have done an MPhys or MSci so you cover the required modules. If you do not enjoy directing yourself you will not enjoy a theoretical physics degree. However, if you can get into a more experimental PhD it is POSSIBLE...
  3. P

    Research During the Ordinary Semesters

    Summer research placements are fine. Besides you already have done research during semester so you should be fine. If you are in the UK (from your phrasing I doubt it but still...) you undertake research projects as part of your undergraduate degree.
  4. P

    Physics What are the job prospects for Nuclear Physicists outside of academia?

    Not particularly. I am just narrowing down the fields that i would enjoy doing postgrad in There must be some good job opportunities in those fields though?
  5. P

    Physics What are the job prospects for Nuclear Physicists outside of academia?

    Though so. I think that settles it that I am going into either superconductors or photonics. Maybe biophotonics.
  6. P

    Physics What are the job prospects for Nuclear Physicists outside of academia?

    What jobs can a Nuclear Physicist get that involves actual research? I am interested in the field and wish to do a PhD in it however, I don't really want to stay in academia (low pay, publish or perish etc.). So are there any industry jobs a Nuclear Physicist could do? Other? Also if possible...