Recent content by polystethylene

  1. P

    Reading in ASCII Data in IDL with Format Codes

    I'm actually working in IDL, which apparently has many similarities to C and fortran... I currently have this: PRO READONELINE infile = 'LCgen/20090127/fbexp062_2.dump' OPENR,lun,infile,/GET_LUN rows = FILE_LINES(infile) data = fltarr(10,rows) WHILE NOT EOF(lun) DO BEGIN READF,lun,format =...
  2. P

    Reading in ASCII Data in IDL with Format Codes

    Hi signerror, thanks for the help. Never come across regular expressions before, are you suggesting them as a solution because they will be able to overcome the issue of needing different format codes for each row (to account for the changing number of characters?)
  3. P

    Reading in ASCII Data in IDL with Format Codes

    Hi all, I have a tab delimited ASCII file (an output from IRAF). I need to read it into IDL, but it features a timestamp column (in UT - hh:mm:ss). I assume I need to read it in with some format codes, but I'm not familiar with fortran or C (or IDL to be honest), and it seems the format code...
  4. P

    Reading Julian date into SuperMongo

    Hi mathmate, thanks for the response. My problem is not knowing what to do with JD once I have it, It's getting supermongo to read the exact JD into a vector so that I can manipulate it. Your point about it being too many significant figures was interesting, is it common to not be able to read...
  5. P

    Reading Julian date into SuperMongo

    Hi all, I imagine this is an amazingly simple problem for anyone with the slightest bit of programing knowledge (which isn't me). I hope there are people out there familiar with supermongo, I realize it's one of the more niche graphics languages. Anyway, I have a column of Julian dates, in...
  6. P

    Boolean operators in SQL - Correct Syntax?

    Thanks for the replies people. Well, we accidentally stumbled upon the solution, basically through a little educated guess work and trial & error. After stripping back the NOT clause so that it just dealt with u-g vs. g-r colour space, it worked perfectly. Going with this, we then separated...
  7. P

    Boolean operators in SQL - Correct Syntax?

    Thanks for the quick reply, the problem is I now don't understand your questions in able to answer them :smile:. This is the problem with only having used SQL in a limited capacity. If by fields you mean the psfmag's, these are just the magnitudes of the stars in the SDSS 5 colour bands...
  8. P

    Boolean operators in SQL - Correct Syntax?

    Hi all, Trying to write an SQL query for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey that uses the NOT operator, and failing miserably. Basically, I'm making photometric cuts in 4-d colour space, and I currently have a selection of inequalities that select enclosed regions of colour space. However, I...
  9. P

    An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything

    As a fourth year masters student just starting to learn about symmetry groups and unification and the like, this is something of an eye-opener, in that I have no idea what's going on in this paper. From what I can gather from the sections of prose though, it seems like a pretty beautiful and...
  10. P

    Hertzian dipole generating EM Waves.

    Hi, in my notes for the Hertzian Dipole I have a derivation of the vector potential A, and the scalar potential (phi). However, I'm missing the derivation of the E and B fields from these potentials. It seems that only the theta component of the E field exists, and I have ... well, I can't write...
  11. P

    Hi, can't find the way to debunk this

    I'd like to thank you all again as I now feel totally comfortable with why gregory alexander's assertion is, as they say, total bollocks. I think the best bit is that I have 'qualitative' arguments and some straight up LT-work, which I often find the best route to comprehension, I often struggle...
  12. P

    Hi, can't find the way to debunk this

    Thank you, I think that really elucidated the importance of the relativity of simultaneity. I can't understand why the two clocks for the ships would be out of sync though, if their relative velocity is 0 ? Also, can I just say that I'm very impressed with this forum, I've received lots of...
  13. P

    Hi, can't find the way to debunk this

    What would any of you say directly to this greg alexander guy to explain away his little theory, in a qualitative sense? Just out of interest?
  14. P

    Hi, can't find the way to debunk this

    Thank you, I'll carry out those instructions and see if I can resolve it, cheers!
  15. P

    Hi, can't find the way to debunk this

    Thanks for all the responses, I clearly need to resit that SR course as I'm getting lost here. I'm still baffled but I think I need to go away and work this through. I still can't get that link's reasoning out of my head though. Why isn't a time contraction and a length dilation necessary to...