Recent content by pokemon123

  1. pokemon123

    Why Does Using A=L^2/4 Lead to Incorrect Results in Calculating EMF in a Loop?

    I am attempting to solve part b of this question. I start with the equation A=L^2/4 and I get dA=L/2(dl). Next I find dA/dt=L/2(dL/dt) and I realize dL/dt=v. Thus I get -d(flux)/dt=-BLv/2. Finally, I use emf/R=I. I get -BLv0/2R=I. However, the answer is BLv0/4R=I. I understand dA is supposed to...
  2. pokemon123

    Understanding Work with Conservative Forces | Physics

    ah I see, Thanks! this definitely makes me understand the concept of work energy thereom better. thank you too kuruman!
  3. pokemon123

    Understanding Work with Conservative Forces | Physics

    so the concept of work I've never really understood (even after a year and a half of physics classes rip). What mainly confuses me is when the work done is positive or negative. From what I understand the net work=deltaKE or net work=-PE assuming energy is conserved (so if an external force was...
  4. pokemon123

    What is the result of connecting two identical storage batteries?

    Perhaps I'm wrong but is "storage battery" another term for capacitor? If so, I believe the capacitance is double as they are in parallel so you add the capacitance of each "storage battery" together. Q/V=C 2Q/V=2C. Voltage must remain the same since they are in parallel. If I'm wrong I...
  5. pokemon123

    Momentum of a Photon: E/c=p Explained

    Homework Statement I have been asked to calculate the momentum of a photon in that has been ejected as a gamma ray after a nucleus was excited in terms of the Energy. I am confused as to whether or not I can use two different equations Homework Equations E=mc^2 or E=hf λ=h/p The Attempt at a...