Recent content by plutonyum94

  1. P

    Anybody know the formula for the Magnus Effect?

    I realize I may way out of my depth here... but i thought i'd jump in anyway. so that's the there a specific formula? feel free to call me an idiot if I've got this all wrong :P Cheers Tony EDIT: sorry, i forgot a bit of background... so I'm doing a physics...
  2. P

    Newtonian Mechanics, accounting for wind?

    hey everyone I'm in year 12 physics, and we have a project revolving around the physics of sport i selected golfing, and my initial aim is to investigate the inaccuracy associated with predicting the aerodynamic motion of a golf ball (max height, max distance). i selected this mainly...
  3. P

    Need a Topic For Experimental Investigation

    Hey everyone, New to the forum - I apologize if you already get heaps of posts like these... Im in Year 12 Physics, and out first assessment piece is related to the physics of sport. It's a typical physics project -> hypothesis, testing, report...etc We're looking at anything relating to...