Recent content by PiratePhysicist

  1. P

    Are NFS Grants Affecting University Systems Support Budgets?

    Really, I was reading things last night, and it would seem that maintenance of the equipment could fall under an indirect cost, or was I misreading?
  2. P

    Are NFS Grants Affecting University Systems Support Budgets?

    HallsofIvy has it right, turns out I'm a horrible typist and had spent much of earlier today ranting about NSF mounts being broken :)
  3. P

    Are NFS Grants Affecting University Systems Support Budgets?

    Hey, So I work the systems support for some university departments, and the amount of funding we get from one of the departments is in no way proportional to the amount of support we give them (they easily take up 3/5ths of our time and resources, but give maybe 1/4 of our funds). I've heard...
  4. P

    QM Questions: Intro & Two Conceptual Issues

    Yeah, so basically, it's impossible to have something with zero velocity.
  5. P

    Deciding between Teaching HS or Pursuing PhD in Physics

    The problem with teaching at a CC though, is that it does not help fix the fact that there horrible Physics teachers in our schools, driving students away from science. Also, I know it is possible to get back into a PhD program after taking some time out. I saw my Chemistry teacher do it, and...
  6. P

    Is 3s to 2s transition for Hygrogen forbidden?

    The selection rules are not "broken" so much as supplemented when you introduce the corrections. For example, when you introduce fine and hyperfine structure corrections, you get more selection rules. One thing to note about selection rules, what you are calling "selection rules" are "selection...
  7. P

    Deciding between Teaching HS or Pursuing PhD in Physics

    So here's my dilemma, I think high school science teachers should be people passionate about their field, know their field and should be good enough teachers to hopefully get that passion about science inspired in some of their students (what can I say, I was spoiled by an awesome chemistry...
  8. P

    QM Questions: Intro & Two Conceptual Issues

    1) This is a bit of a trick question, what you should be asking yourself, is: Is it possible for something to have something with zero velocity? (think in the quantum realm, not classical) 2) For this one, remember that quantum mechanics is all about probability.
  9. P

    Quantum Tunneling - some silly thoughts

    Well, it would be "is it possible for a few atoms of my finger tips to quantum tunnel out of the potential wells holding them into atoms, and travel in between the atoms of the wall" First, possible, highly unlikely, because if it was likely, molecules would routinely quantum tunnel apart...
  10. P

    Wavefunction for particle inside a disk

    Wait a sec, have you tried Bessel functions? It just occurred to me that if you have x=1/f, then the Schroedinger equation looks similar to Bessel's differential equation.
  11. P

    Making a grad app look good if you can't stand working in a lab?

    I'm not expecting anything more than grunt work, it's just "build a table" is the sort of grunt work I don't like :) And yeah, they're in the building phase and the supervisor (just some supervisor for the lab) and I do have a personality clash, so it's possible that I shouldn't write off...
  12. P

    Making a grad app look good if you can't stand working in a lab?

    I'm going into my 4th and possibly last year (though, if I can get my university to ignore a good deal of my useless AP credits, I won't be bumping against the 180 credit limit of my financial aid and can possibly stay an extra year, pick up another degree and bump up my GPA a bit). When you...
  13. P

    Making a grad app look good if you can't stand working in a lab?

    I guess the more important thing though, is that I need something to make my apps look good, but I can't stand working in the lab to get research experience. Is there anything else, or should I suck it up and keep going to the lab?
  14. P

    Wavefunction for particle inside a disk

    Why are you using something of this form? A_r {r_0}^{i K_r} Try using a function of this form: A e^{i x} (I just woke up, and I'm not generous enough in the mornings to offer hints about what x would be :P). Basically, I mean try something that would be sinusoidal over r.
  15. P

    Wavefunction for particle inside a disk

    Hi, Just to make sure, what are you using for you Hamiltonian? Also, what that condition tells you is that [tex] \Psi(r) [\tex] is zero at r_0 (because the particle has a 100% chance of being between 0 and r_0, so it must be zero outside r_0 and wave functions are assuming to be continuous)...