Recent content by pinkumbra

  1. P

    Proof of Entangled Particles being Indetermined

    I'm sure this has been asked a million times, but how do we know that entangled particles don't "choose" their states when they're separated? If possible, choose the most basic example. Thanks!
  2. P

    Do equivalent quantum states imply entanglement?

    Righto, thank you.
  3. P

    Do equivalent quantum states imply entanglement?

    Am I thinking about this the wrong way? Perhaps someone should throw me a book suggestion.
  4. P

    Is the study of black holes using entanglement practical?

    If the particles are entangled, isn't there "spooky action at a distance" in that if you act on one, the other instantaneously is affected before they lose their quantum state?
  5. P

    Is the study of black holes using entanglement practical?

    So what would happen to the particle on Earth when its entangled partner dives in a black hole?
  6. P

    Is the study of black holes using entanglement practical?

    That is, entangling two particles and sending one off in a controlled manner (i'm not sure if we're sophisticated enough to even contain a particle in a quantum state without interference so please fill me in) to a black hole and then observing the entangled particle that we kept in some lab on...
  7. P

    Do equivalent quantum states imply entanglement?

    Assume there are two particles which share the same quantum states (that is, if I understand correctly, both are probabilistically identical), but have not been through the process of entanglement. Let's assume they never interacted in any dimensions, they just happened to be identical. Would...
  8. P

    What's the Difference Between Calculus I and Calculus II?

    I'm two years ahead of my math class and I'm only beginning Calculus next year (11th grade, I'll be 16-17). Virginia, United States. AP Calculus AB is what I'm assuming you're taking, and then AP Calculus BC. Jason pretty much nailed the description, emphasis on diff. equations.
  9. P

    Can a computer have free will?

    Even the hardware random number generator isn't, well, random. It's just improbable based on what we can measure (or want to measure), and possibly improbable beyond our realm of understanding. The former is more practical to most because the latter suggests that we have a warped understanding...
  10. P

    Are Billionaires Ethically Responsible to Donate?

    Rather ambiguous question. Ethics are relative-- I can't see how one could be objective to this question. If one doesn't donate money to the hungry and the thirsty people, that doesn't mean they're evil. They could have several redeeming qualities, like donating to other charities...