Recent content by Pin Head

  1. P

    B Can You Find the Constant Value K for a Slowly Inflating Balloon?

    Hi, I'm working on a problem about a spherical balloon as its inflated slowly the radius of the balloon is in cm and the time is in seconds dr/dt = k/r2 Now I know how to rearrange this equation using separable differentiation r=3√3kt+c However I would like to find the value of the...
  2. P

    Help understanding Acceleration

    Hi, I just want to make sure I understand acceleration α = Δv / Δt α = vf - vi / tf - ti α = 8m - 0m / 4s - 0s α = 8m / 4s α = 2 m/s2 So I know it has a constant acceleration of 2 m/s2 what I want to know does this mean that the object will increase in acceleration for...
  3. P

    How can I use different angles in linear algebra rotations?

    hi, I understand how to do the rotation equation A = [ cosθ -sinθ sinθ cosθ] A*v = [ cosθ -sinθ * [ x = [ xcosθ - ysinθ sinθ cosθ] y ] xsinθ + ycosθ ] A*v = [ cos90 -sin90 * [ 6 sin90 cos90 ] 4 ] =...
  4. P

    One Resistor, 9V Battery, and Ohm's Law: What is it Resisting?

    Hi, This may sound a little silly but I have a circuit with 1 resistor which is a 1k ohm resistor and is connected to a 9 Volt battery.I found the amps using ohm's law I = E/R which equals 9 amps.I have also used a multi-meter to see the resistance and I'm a bit confused a resistor is...
  5. P

    Find Amp of Circuit with Ohm's Law

    Hi, I'm trying to find the amp of a circuit. Okay I know a circuit has a resistivity, So for example if my circuit is made out of cooper which has a resistivity of 1.68 * 10 negative power of 8 and a voltage of 9 volts.So do I just use ohms law Volt / Resistant = Amp?
  6. P

    Trigonometry find the opposite side

    Hi, Sorry my mistake The formula I should of used is adjacent * tan = opposite example 12 * tan24 = 5.342744223702433967068404367748
  7. P

    Trigonometry find the opposite side

    Yes I understand Soh Cah Toa but I am using the equation to find the side of an unknown side and the formula I'm using is Example tan = opposite / adjacent but I only have the opposite side and the angle so to find the adjacent side I used this formula 24 / tan 42 degrees =...
  8. P

    Trigonometry find the opposite side

    Hi, I'm a bit curious on how do I find the length of the Opposite side of a Right Triangle, now I have look a Soh Cah Toa, Now say if I know the length of the Adjacent Line and the the angle of the right triangle which formula should I use? I thought about Toa is this the way I solve...
  9. P

    Problem with hypotenese Length

    Hi, I used Math.abs( y2 - y1 ) which gives me 200 instead of -200 but I still get the same results anyway
  10. P

    Problem with hypotenese Length

    hi, because in Java programming the x coordinates travel across the screen and the y coordinates travel down the screen so when I use the formula y2 - y1 then we are travelling up the screen which gives us negative 200
  11. P

    Problem with hypotenese Length

    Hi, I don't no what you mean by figure? but here is what I have done sideA = x2 - x1 which equals 200pixels sideB = y2 - y1 which equals -200pixels angle = inverse tan = sideB / sideA angle is -0.7853981633974483 in radians find the X component sideC = sideA / cos( angle )...
  12. P

    Problem with hypotenese Length

    sideA = adjacent sideB = opposite sideC = hypotenese Find Angle angle = inverse tan = sideB / sideA Find side find the X component sideC = sideA / cos( angle ) find the Y Component sideC = sideB / sin( angle ) I think I got the formula wrote the wrong way but now my...
  13. P

    Problem with hypotenese Length

    sideA = adjacent sideB = opposite sideC = hypotenese Find Angle angle = inverse tan = sideA / sideB Find side find the X component sideC = cos( angle ) * sideA find the Y Component sideC = sin( angle ) * sideB So my question is is how or why is my hypotenese line being...
  14. P

    Multiply a trigonometry function

    Hi, You are correct I don't no why my calculator is giving me 0.29636857870938531739229664984902 but when I tested the same equation in java programming,java gives me the answer you gave sin(38) = 0.2963686 120 * sin(38) = 35.56423 So what would this formula be good for?
  15. P

    Multiply a trigonometry function

    Hi, I have a question I have learn a bit about trigonometry and I came across this formula angle = 38 length = 120 formula length * sin( angle ) now I have look around for the understanding about this formula and tested the formula my self...