Recent content by Pianoman14

  1. P

    What Would You Do? Bicycle Theft

    It would largely depend on circumstances, but in my neighborhood I would confront them, write down details and call the police. I wouldn't use violence because I can't justify it under the self-defense clause and I would get thrown in prison.
  2. P

    Buying a Laser Pointer: What Can It Do?

    1) Yes you can buy them, generally online. You will need >80mW to burn things, though. Snooping inside of packages is rare, so there is a good chance it will get to you. A quality manufacturer is [PLAIN][/url]. If you are interested in these things at all, check out...
  3. P

    Traffic Louder in Rain: True or False?

    Definitely. Puddles make most of the noise in my experience. (I actually enjoy the swoosh swoosh).
  4. P

    Show My Desktop - See How a Nerd Works!

    I prefer Linux, but I'm currently booted into Windows because several of my online AP teachers use Windows-only conferencing programs.
  5. P

    Extra large backwards bathrobe takes nation by storm

    Hey! Guess what! There's this thing called a sweater! Maybe I should patent it.
  6. P

    Is there a popular song that you absolutely detest?

    The 90's was when bands like dc Talk and Jars of Clay broke into the mainstream--because their music was really excellent. Nowadays, I get the feeling that some bands, such as Evanescense (in their early days) slap on the Christian label to limit their competition and make more money. P.S...
  7. P

    Is there a popular song that you absolutely detest?

    Bubblegum chick rock. (*cough* Taylor Swift *cough*) I also don't like modern mainstream Christian music--90's was the golden age.
  8. P

    Show My Desktop - See How a Nerd Works!

    ...but not my wallet :biggrin: Here's my desktop background (yes! I do have VIM up for geek cred): I keep all of my icons in the Quick Launch toolbar. It's nice and uncluttered.
  9. P

    Baked Beans and Me: A Love-Hate Relationship

    Beano is an enzyme that breaks down the olgiosaccharides that the body can't digest (this is what causes the gas). My biology teacher says that soaking the beans in water for a few hours will also do the trick, but YMMV.
  10. P

    Help Video editing software for Windows 7

    How about Sony Vegas + DVD Architect? It does a great job of editing audio as well.
  11. P

    Searching for Meaning: The Point of Life

    That's exactly what happened--I realized I used the wrong word. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused.
  12. P

    Google Street View Camera Vehicles Collected WI FI data

    Alt-text: We need a special holiday to honor the countless kind souls with unsecured networks named, 'linksys'.
  13. P

    Any particular word(s), phrase(s), etc. you particularly despise?

    For me it is misuse of the adverb, e.g., "You write good!" Even worse is when two errors appear in one sentence, e.g., "You write real good!". I also dislike the word, "like" being used inappropriately. It makes you sound like so stupid. Oh, and when people misuse who/whom. "Who are you...
  14. P

    Searching for Meaning: The Point of Life

    Point taken. I won't discuss Christianity or intelligent design any more.
  15. P

    Searching for Meaning: The Point of Life

    Are you writing as a moderator or as a poster that doesn't want to discuss this? (I don't want to break the rules, but the intent of your post is a little unclear to me here)