Recent content by physmcnp6

  1. physmcnp6

    Solving Fatal Error in MCNP6 Particle Alpha Mode

    why the alphas par=34? may I ask again? if there is a fatal error with the description "fatal error, 4 tally volumes or areas were not input nor caculated" what do I have to do? and what's symbol of areas in mcnpX
  2. physmcnp6

    Solving Fatal Error in MCNP6 Particle Alpha Mode

    why the alphas "par=34"?
  3. physmcnp6

    Solving Fatal Error in MCNP6 Particle Alpha Mode

    If I use particle alpha, is the symbol "mode a"? because the result is a fatal error source particle type not on mode card
  4. physmcnp6

    Solving Fatal Error in MCNP6 Particle Alpha Mode

    the whole input are below warning. Physics models enabled. 1- c Created on: Saturday, January 13, 2024 at 19:20 2- 1 1 -0.998207 -1 2 -3 3- 2 1...