Recent content by Physik

  1. P

    Solving Physics Problem with Garden Hose

    Hello. I've been fustrated all day because I couldn't figure this problem out. I know, it may be simple, but trust me, I almost ripped my hair out trying to solve this problem. I would have been able to figure this problem out last year in basic physics, but I have forgotten 75% of physics I...
  2. P

    Gravity between earth and moon

    I don't think so. What'll happen is the Earth, with it's greater gravity, will pull the astronaut toward Earth. Of course the Moon's gravity will affect the astronaut, but the Moon's gravity isn't strong enough for what you have in mind. Anyone else?
  3. P

    A&C Reference Library - Astronomy & Cosmology Resources

    Orbital Mechanics Basics This is a very cool site that explains Orbital Mechanics from the beginning, and explains all the math steps of the equations. (Unlike some other sites I've been to.)
  4. P

    Can Black Holes Alter the Movement of the Universe Through Light Bending?

    Yes, I pretty sure it does. I think one of my friends told me that time is almost slowed down to 0.
  5. P

    Best way to get 'learn' Astrophysics

    How would I got about learning the mathematics side of Astrophysics. What would someone have to know? And are there good sites that teach you, or introduce you well?
  6. P

    Solve Polynomial Division: -6x^4+2x^2-8x+1 / 2x^2-3

    Well, I see one of your problems. You have 6x^4 and 2x^2... but you need an x^3 in between. Did you teacher tell you that, if you are missing a term in the sequence.. that you put a 0 in there? So, when you use sythetic division, it your list would be -6 0 2 -8 1
  7. P

    Is the Speed of Light Really Constant?

    It's a theory, I don't think anyone can agree on it. Check out this link
  8. P

    Can You Stump the Science Teacher with This Simple Coffee and Milk Experiment?

    Just ask him to solve a projectile motion problem.
  9. P

    Star Cluster Gravity: Impact on Forces

    Well, if the type of clusters is an open cluster, then all the stars have mutual attraction to each other. Then the orbit of an object would be quite irregular. Look at this model of a star cluster: The stars are red, and their...
  10. P

    Mysterious Flickering Star Over Beach

    I know that the moon can be different colors during an eclipse, but the moon is very close to earth, and stars are quite far away.
  11. P

    Can You Stump the Science Teacher with This Simple Coffee and Milk Experiment?

    Use a quantum mechanics problem. I'm sure he doesn't know many, if any, formulae for it.
  12. P

    Mysterious Flickering Star Over Beach

    It could be a satellite in orbit, and depending on it's angle, the color may change.
  13. P

    Sonic Boom & Condensation Trails: Explained

    When an aircraft flies through the sky, sound waves bouce off of the plane. When the plane flies faster than the waves, the plane makes a sonic boom sound as it flies through the sound waves. The water that's condensed on the plane then comes off at the moment of the sonic boom.
  14. P

    Star Cluster Gravity: Impact on Forces

    The gravity of the largest star would attract objects, with the gravity of the surrounding stars slightly interfering with an object's orbit, I suppose.