Recent content by physicsneek

  1. P

    Completely not understanding moments help

    I think my FBF diagrams are correct for the questions, I can usually do those adequately. I think the main problem is that I have no idea what the questiona are asking me!
  2. P

    Completely not understanding moments help

    there are 2 questions which are driving me insane because I jus don't understand what to do! I hope that if someone could go through the questions in detail then I'll finally understand how to go about answering. 5. A rod AB of mass 6kg and length 3m has its centre of mass 1.2m from A. It is...
  3. P

    Help me complete this question please

    This is from the M1 review excercise Edexcel. I've managed to do a) b) and c) and but now I'm completely stuck. I'm no particular wizz at mechanics and getting stuck at d) means I'm suddenly uncertain about e) and f) :(. Here is the question: In this question i and j are horizontal unit...