Recent content by physicskid

  1. P

    Agnosticism is not a logical stance

    I'm always very unsure about the defintition of agnosticism. :confused: If its definition is the belief that there's no proof for the existence of God, then agnostic theist can also exist too!
  2. P

    Is Philosophy Merely Intellectual Self-Gratification?

    Well, the increasingly demanding society is always needing people who got the brains to solve problems and be inventive. Besides, look at the mess we have create for ourselves: Mass deforestation, depletion of ozone layer, global warming, air pollution, presence of nuclear waste, countries...
  3. P

    Why Do Living Beings Die Despite Cellular Reproduction?

    I agree with Sciart. The accumulation of entropy - like physical damages, little gene mutations, and etc. - leads to death being a neccesary occurence. Although these body cells with defects may be replaced by new cells, this would become unnecessary as the defects accumulates more and more as...
  4. P

    New Dna Discovery,what Do You Think

    Complete gobble-dooky and nonsensical content - as a matter of fact it is. Take a look at some of these article's statements which are completely cranky: Apparently, the author of this article is merely stating known physics terms and juggling them without any empirical basis, just to...
  5. P

    Have You Ever Seen Your Fish Sleeping?

    Well, i have observe that fishes do sleep - or at least, the species of the fish that I keep. At night, my fishes would remain motionless at a single spot with their eyes turned pale (Sometimes, they even lie down on their side when their sleep! ).
  6. P

    The possible impacts of cloning technology on human society

    Cloning might make identification of the each cloned individual difficult. Suppose future identification techninques were based on gene recognition and iris recognition, and they would not differentiate the individual being cloned and the cloned. Other forms of identification techniques must be...
  7. P

    Britain: Cancer-free 'designer babies' get approval

    I agree with Number 42. It's good news for mankind and also mark a starting point in genetics.
  8. P

    Ask a Stupid Quetion Get a Stupid Answer

    hmmm... what a profound question indeed... Answer: this question has no answer for they are as profound as you in thinking thank you very much. My question: What is a... wait a sec... what is the hell a 'stupid question'?
  9. P

    Did God Intend to Create Insanity?

    This seems like a good argument against the existence of god anyway. Insane man has no control over his actions, therefore he is a 'Free man'! :biggrin: He has no restrictions over his thinking. I suppose that's why plenty of genius aren't really normal. >Insanity could also be caused...
  10. P

    My Surprising Super Geek Score: Reflections on the Geek Stereotype

    No, i think the definition of 'geek' more close to what the quiz mean is: - "A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept." Got a Total Geek ( 25.64103% ) ... I'm surprised! I thought I'm the king of all geeks.
  11. P

    Medical Can We Think Without Language?

    I think the differentce in thinking using diffrent languages lies more in the way of presenting and organising what the speaker/writer wants to convey. For example, in one language, it could be convey in a form of a rhetorical question, and in another language, presented as a statement. By...
  12. P

    How does differential equation work?

    Thanks for all your responses! I now know the definition andthe examples of a differential equation. As for the rest of it, I'll read more about it.
  13. P

    How does differential equation work?

    Can anyone please tell me how differential equation works? I already understand derivative and integral work except this...
  14. P

    Which Enemy of the Christian Faith Are You?

    Thx for the quiz. It was nice! Looks like there's plenty of atheists here - I'm one too! Anyway, i think it was the 'question5. Are you afraid of God?' I answered 'I'm not sure he exists'. Isn't that obvious?!
  15. P

    Ask a Stupid Quetion Get a Stupid Answer

    'Cos they are so eager to know the colour of your underpants that they tumble around at your feet. A one thousand tons sumo-wrestler keeps thinking that he is a balloon. What should i do?