Recent content by physicsjunkie1

  1. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    The elastic was originally 4.6cm long and was stretched to 9.3cm long, for a difference of 4.7cm.
  2. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    4.7cm in diameter to be specific.
  3. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    It is just a few centimetres in diameter. Its a circular rubber band, kind of thick and pretty stiff.
  4. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    Im almost positive that is the correct mass and I googled masses of other rubber bands and they're all less than a gram. If the mass is larger it would make sense and that's the only place I can see that is the problem.
  5. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    Ee=Ek (1/2)kx^2= (1/2)mv^2 (1/2)k(0.047)^2=(1/2)(3.0 x 10^-4)(4.967)^2 0.0011045k= 0.00309271 k= 0.00309271/0.0011045 k= 2.8
  6. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    are you converting the mass correctly? I am still getting a different answer
  7. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    Okay, I see what you're saying now but when I use Ee=Ek and sove for the spring constant, I only get 1.9.
  8. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    Why don't you consider the fact that there is gravitational potential and that the elastic travels a certain disance?
  9. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    So at the beginning it had Eg and Ee and then when the rubber band landed 1.3m away, it had all converted to Ek, we thought.
  10. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    We flung the rubber band from a height of 0.412m, so it initially had Eg.
  11. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    The elastic potential plus the gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.
  12. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    So what would you do after finding the initial velocity in the d=vt formula?
  13. P

    Grade 12 Physics-Finding the Spring Constant

    We thought we needed a final velocity to put into the Ek formula. Do we just use Vi for the v variable in Ek=1/2m(v)^2.