Recent content by physicsissohard

  1. P

    I Problem with one of the premises in electrostatic pressure theory

    I have the video linked with the time stamp. . Isn't Electric Field anywhere inside the conductor zero. So there will be no electric field inside the thickness of the conductor. But he managed to integrate it somehow? he considered electric field to be changing inside the conductor that has...
  2. P

    Difficult problem in Rotational Mechanics JEE 2017 Comprehension paper

    This question is from the Jee Advanced 2017. This question stumped me because it was very difficult to do, the first part of the comprehension was asking for the kinetic energy of the ring. This is what I mean. Using the no-slip condition we can write ##\omega R-v_c=\omega_0r##. This is the...
  3. P

    Conceptual misunderstanding in applying formula for work done in adiabatic compression

    I was trying to solve a JEE ADVANCED 2020 paper 1 question 13 on thermodynamics. I attempted the problem and got a different answer than they did. I did it in a different way, but I can't find a mistake in both methods. So now I am stuck. I think the problem is in the first step probably using...
  4. P

    JEE solution wrong? (tempco of a clock)

    I think I figured it out, its a definition problem. Actually for the jee answer to be correct this should be the interpretation of gaining time. which is slightly different from the interpretation of losing time. losing seconds means the actual seconds(not slow pendulum seconds) that are needed...
  5. P

    JEE solution wrong? (tempco of a clock)

    actually for the jee answer to be correct this should be the interpretation of gaining time. which is slight different for the interpretation of losing time. losing seconds means the actual seconds(not slow pendulum seconds) that are needed for the slower pendulum to strike the 24th hour right...
  6. P

    JEE solution wrong? (tempco of a clock)

    "Note this is not the same as how much faster the pendulum is ahead of the accurate pendulum in one oscillation of the accurate pendulum" So you are saying This statement is factually correct but the compuatational difference between both the interpretations is negligible?
  7. P

    JEE solution wrong? (tempco of a clock)

    43200 is the number of oscillation that a pendulum does in a day i.e 24 hours
  8. P

    JEE solution wrong? (tempco of a clock)

    I have a problem with the method that they solved. This is what I mean ##\delta t= \frac{\pi L\alpha \delta T}{\sqrt{gL}}##. You can derive this equation by using errors and approximations here delta t is a tiny(not infinitesimal) change in time period, delta T is a tiny change in temperature...
  9. P

    Misunderstanding Work-energy theorem and center of mass properties

    Seriously, What do you mean I don't believe work energy theorem? I just doubt if the application of WET as shown is correct or not? and there is no way you can calculate angular velocity using torque alone, well you can but that requires you to solve an unsolvable differential equation with...
  10. P

    Misunderstanding Work-energy theorem and center of mass properties

    To do this apparently, you need to use the work-energy theorem. You can calculate work done by gravity easily. However it was said that work done by the reaction forces from the hinge is zero, I don't get why. Reaction Force from the hinge is an external force on the rod, and all external...
  11. P

    Difficulty in deciding when to apply work energy theorem

    This is how I tried to do it. The force required to move B up the incline is $kx$ where x is elongation and k is spring constant. we know that spring force is greater than $mg(sin\theta+\mu cos\theta)$. And we can use work-energy theorem to figure out velocity. $0.5*k*x^2=0.5*mv^2$ where...
  12. P

    Problem with when to use Force and Energy. What compresses spring/

    This is how I tried to do it, which is the most direct. The force that the mass exerts on the spring is mgsin(53). and I equated that to kx. and found x. but apparently, this is wrong and the teacher told me a different method. (ME)1=(ME)2 due to conservation of mechanical energy...
  13. P

    Conceptual doubt on frames of reference

    I can't solve it. this isn't a homework question just a conceptual one. doubt. one more thing is that in a sense I think gravity can be viewed as a pseudo-force, even though it clearly isn't because if it was people on the other side of the earth will be falling off lol. but for the pulley...
  14. P

    Problem with Dynamic blocks on a fixed inclined plane

    Thanks, I re-solved it. I am getting the solution. yeah the normal force exerted on the wedge by the block also needs to be resolved into components. im so dumb