Recent content by Physicsguru

  1. P

    KE, v squared and a constant of proportionality

    DB I read all the answers here, and nowhere did I see what I would have put. I would have answered you by explaining to you an experiment that Galileo did several hundred years, and that anyone can do, and then tell you the answer to your question lies somewhere in this experiment. Of course...
  2. P

    Relativistic Mass of an Orbiting Billiard Ball

    Could an external magnetic field change it? Regards, Guru
  3. P

    Relativistic Mass of an Orbiting Billiard Ball

    There doesn't need to be confusion. If M = \frac{m0}{\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}} then E = Mc^2 Where E=m0c^2+T M is relativistic mass m0 is rest mass, also called invariant mass From the above you can derive the result that: E^2 = (Pc)^2 + (m_0c^2)^2 Where P = Mv
  4. P

    Black Holes in the Very Early Universe

    Would you mind proving this for me? Not that I cannot do it, but I want to look at some equations, to help me understand what you are trying to say. Regards, Guru PS: Maybe you could start with a rapid derivation of the escape speed formula?
  5. P

    Relativistic Mass of an Orbiting Billiard Ball

    I am curious, exactly why do you tell him that the momentum p of the object will not be related to the energy E by p/v= E/c2? You have a steel bar at rest in some inertial reference frame S. The steel bar is at absolute zero degrees kelvin, so no radiation is being emitted. Furthermore...
  6. P

    Relativistic Mass of an Orbiting Billiard Ball

    How do you know? Just for the sake of argument, what if electrons don't exist, and instead they are just nodes in a wave which is 'standing' in some particular frame, meaning that the nodes aren't moving relative to one another. Think of a uniform line charge of N electrons, as being a...
  7. P

    Relativistic Mass of an Orbiting Billiard Ball

    I thought that was what you meant(just checking), about the +x ray and the +x` ray having the same direction, the +y ray and the +y` ray having the same direction, and the +z ray and the +z` ray having the same direction, at some moment in time t in S, simultaneous to moment in time t` in S`...
  8. P

    Relativistic Mass of an Orbiting Billiard Ball

    What do you mean by standard configuration?
  9. P

    Relativistic Mass of an Orbiting Billiard Ball

    The quick answer is "center of mass of the universe." But, that is too quick of an answer. There are many inertial reference frames, not just one, and this can be shown. Suppose that the temperature of the billiard ball is at absolute zero. Thus, there are reference frames in which...
  10. P

    Relativistic Mass of an Orbiting Billiard Ball

    What do you mean by "a physical substance won't have any voids." You say "summing the mass of the atoms." Supposing relativity to be right, the relativistic mass of each atom increases as its speed v in the frame increases. If we are summing the masses, aren't we already taking into...
  11. P

    Relativistic Mass of an Orbiting Billiard Ball

    Its rotating in an inertial reference frame. The problem starts off with a real billiard ball being the only thing in existence, and being at rest in an inertial reference frame. And by that is meant only that the center of inertia isn't moving in the frame. But of course either the billiard...
  12. P

    Relativistic Mass of an Orbiting Billiard Ball

    In this post I will keep track of my thoughts as they come. Yes that is a complication, and one which your solution deals with. :) Once you input energy into a billiard ball to get it to spin, it will buldge at the equator just like our real earth. This will be true regardless of...
  13. P

    Relativistic Mass of an Orbiting Billiard Ball

    This is a wonderful attempt at an answer, I am going to need time to look at it obviously but when I'm done I will make my comments. Very Kind regards, Guru PS (when I say attempt i mean nothing bad. Each answer has the assumptions built into it, so to obtain any answer is excellent...
  14. P

    Relativistic Mass of an Orbiting Billiard Ball

    Exactly, yes. As you rightly said, the laws of SR don't apply in a non-inertial frame of reference, so we start off in an IRF and remain there. I had to modify the question of course. Regards, Guru
  15. P

    Can anyone Debunk this for me?

    I guess I was just wondering if anyone else here had run into this 'orbitsphere' thing before. As for legitimate stuff, i usually read IOP articles. Regards, Guru PS: Here's the one I'm reading now, and oddly i think I've read it before...