Recent content by physicsgrade11

  1. P

    Baseball Curveballs: Explanation & Bonus Tips

    Okay. I had the answer for the curveball I was just having a little trouble understanding it. Does this make sense? Assume a baseball throws the ball (forwards) with the ball spinning clockwise. Then on the right side of the ball the velocity of it's spin would be in the same direction of...
  2. P

    Baseball Curveballs: Explanation & Bonus Tips

    For a question on one of my assignments, we have to explain how a curveball works. I have been reading a lot on the internet on it, but he says that we do not need the magnus effect to explain it (which all the sites weem to use). Also, he said for bonus we could explain how it is...
  3. P

    Unit Test Review: Elevator Speed Calculation

    Thanks Leong that was very discriptive:)
  4. P

    Unit Test Review: Elevator Speed Calculation

    Alright well we're only in grade 11 so could you please explain it a little more clearly?
  5. P

    Unit Test Review: Elevator Speed Calculation

    Hey guys -> this is for a friend and i haven't gotten this far in our class so yeah if you could expain the answer that would be appreciated. the motor of an elevator can produce 14KW of power. The elevator has a mass of 1100Kg including its contents. At what constant speed will the...
  6. P

    Calculating Stopping Force for a 850kg Car at 110km/h | Physics Question

    Thanks anyways guys but i got it. I think i was thinking it was asking what force as in friction or wind etc. was stopping it but its asking the force it would take to stop it in that time.
  7. P

    Calculating Stopping Force for a 850kg Car at 110km/h | Physics Question

    ok here is the question exaclty- its worth 5 marks so i don't know what I am missing.. A car with a mass of 850kg is moving in a straight line at a constant speed of 110km/h. It is brought to rest in 10.0s. What constant force is acting to stop the car?
  8. P

    How Is Tension Distributed in a Multi-Block System?

    Sorry i made a mistake the weight of the blocks are meant to be in kilograms not N . lol idiot me...
  9. P

    How Is Tension Distributed in a Multi-Block System?

    Ok - I was helping a friend out and was helping her with a problem but I am not sure if i was right. A girl is pulling three blocks with a rope at a force of 6 N . There is two more strings between each block. The first block weighs 0.5 N the second block weighs 1.5N the third block weighs...