Recent content by physicsCU

  1. P

    MATLAB Solve MATLAB Source Potential Flow Issues

    Hey all: I am trying to plot the streamlines of a source flow in MATLAB. I just have a couple issues. First, when I change the strength, it doesn't appear that the streamlines change at all. Second, the three lines commented out below, I used them from an example, but now they don't work...
  2. P

    Building Microcontrollers with Simulink & RTW

    Bummer. And there seemed to be so many resources out there from the MATLAB people. recommendations as to what I should get for kit and compiler? and a book maybe? I hate finding stuff online, just too frustrating IMO.
  3. P

    Building Microcontrollers with Simulink & RTW

    OK, you might laugh at me for this, but... I am looking at building microcontrollers, doing simple stuff for now, like cutting power to another controller, or doing a PID controller on a servo. I am thinking about using simulink and real-time workshop to do this. (this is the funny) My...
  4. P

    Where to Find Moment Coefficients?

    Is there a website that has these? The NASG database doesn't list values, just a plot (not the best way to read values!). The .dat file with each polar curve seems to only be lift, drag, and AoA. Any help is appreciated!
  5. P

    MATLAB How to Correctly Implement Nested Loops for Surface Plotting in MATLAB?

    Its not an error perse, its just that i get a line in 3d space, when i should be getting a surface plot, because two variables are being varied at all points.
  6. P

    MATLAB How to Correctly Implement Nested Loops for Surface Plotting in MATLAB?

    Hey guys, Is there anyone good with MATLAB for loops? I am having trouble with getting an embedded loop within another loop to work. I am trying to vary two parameters and create a surface plot with a third variable as the dependant. What I really need help with is how to get the LHS...
  7. P

    Solving an Interesting Computer Problem: Hard Drive Issue

    yeah, its SATA. that was my first use of those, so thanks for the info!
  8. P

    Help Picking a Laptop for Aero Major

    yes, hypersonic's reviews indicated extrememly horrible customer service. I mean, I can handle indian tech support, but that part turned me off in a big way. I have looked into cyberpowerinc, and i am leaning that way if i could get a reply to my inquiry about their modular battery option (the...
  9. P

    My First Computer, Advice Please

    Now that I see the cover of the python book, i think that is the one my EE friend used to learn python, and he made a program to play tetris, so I am figuring its what I am looking for too.
  10. P

    My First Computer, Advice Please

    I also assumed he meant general programming, however, I was giving him another point of view. If he can see different ways that people use programming and knows what he wants to do, then he can make a better choice as to what he really needs. You make a good point about most of the...
  11. P

    Solving an Interesting Computer Problem: Hard Drive Issue

    OK, i built a computer for my step-brother today. After a lot of pain getting it to boot, i got it working. But in windows, the menu for safely removing hardware (like what comes up when you put a usb key drive in) comes up, and the main (only) hard drive is there. but in my computer, it...
  12. P

    My First Computer, Advice Please

    Ah, chroot, thank you for correcting me. I forgot that those languages run the same in Linux, however, I did recommend linux to him as the best option. I do a lot of numerical work in MATLAB, that is why I said i powerful computer is best. For just python programming or C, you are right...
  13. P

    My First Computer, Advice Please

    If you want to learn programming really well, I would recommend a powerful computer, it makes life much better. learn linux though for OS, but keep windows. Mac really isn't that great for programming work, linux is prolly the best (if i am wrong, correct me).
  14. P

    Help Picking a Laptop for Aero Major

    Hey, I need some help in picking a new laptop. I am an aero major, so I will be doing MATLAB, some Python, solidworks, excel, that sort of thing. and music, lots of music! I am currently between the dell inspiron 6000 and the hypersonic aviator MX6. I am not sure which to choose...