Recent content by Physics_Amazing

  1. P

    Energy/Power Question for pumping water out of a well

    density of water is 1.0 kg/L So... E=mgh E=1(9.8)(20) E=196J then sub that in P=E/t ??
  2. P

    Energy/Power Question for pumping water out of a well

    Im guessing you start off with P=E/t but I'm unsure of what I need to sub in, in order to solve for v. P = 1000W h = 20m v=?
  3. P

    Acceleration of a person jumping off of a bathroom scale

    fnet=ma Fn-fg=ma 840 - (72)(-9.8) = 72a a= 840 - (-705.6) /72 a=21.19m/s^2 The correct answer is 1.9m/s^2 unsure of how to get that