Recent content by Physics is Phun

  1. P

    What happened to the pictures on google earth?

    heh, that seems to have done it! although I swear I already did that... thanks mgb!
  2. P

    What happened to the pictures on google earth?

    Ever since I updated the last edition of google Earth (which must have been a while ago now that I think of it) all those nice pictures that people have taken of places and put on panoramio that tag a location on the maps in google Earth aren't there anymore. I turn on all the different...
  3. P

    Would you dare to hike the death-defying Caminito del Rey?

    wow the craziest part for me is that someone actually BUILT this path! :O
  4. P

    Has anyone seen 'Planet Earth'?

    way to spoil the ending snazzy :biggrin: I haven't watched it, but am downloading it as we speak!
  5. P

    Canadian working in the US. getting a visa.

    Ah yes, as I just realized, I am still considered a Full-time student because this is a Co-op job for me, I may qualify for a J-1 visa and I know I could probably just 'go' without any trouble at all, but my company wants to be all proper and legal and honest. and the law clearly says that a...
  6. P

    How Can I Best View the Atlantis Launch on February 7th as an Avid Photographer?

    Atlantis Launch on February 7th!" I'm going to be in Orlando from the 31st to the 8th! can someone tell me how I can go see this!? it looks like you have to buy tickets or something from the sight? I am an avid photographer and...
  7. P

    Canadian working in the US. getting a visa.

    yes I would be down somewhere probably in the lower states, staying at a hotel(s) and yes the company's main business is the work that I am to do in the states, all they're field personnel have TN status, something I can't get without a degree.
  8. P

    Canadian working in the US. getting a visa.

    alas, they do not. I'm working for them as a Co-op student, and am infact the first student ever hired in the company. I was forwarded a large email strain between the managers talking and conjecturing about my situation, and in the end, nobody knew what to do and I was told to figure out how it...
  9. P

    Canadian working in the US. getting a visa.

    ah I should have explained better. We only do "field work" in the US. there is no office or home base which i can "transfer" too. it is only temorary work, lasts a month tops. that's where the problem lies, I believe.
  10. P

    Canadian working in the US. getting a visa.

    hey all well, I've got a contract job working for an engineering company here in Canada. I'm between semesters of school. They want to send me to the US to do some work, the work will be of a technical nature. The problem i seem to be running into however, is that I don't have a degree yet...
  11. P

    News Trip to NYC looking for a place to stay

    hey all. it's been a while I'm going to NYC with some friends, 4 of us in all right after christmas. We were originally planning on staying in a hostel, but manhattan seems to be all booked for the just after christmas time. We're been looking at some cheap places like Econo lodge, in Jersey...
  12. P

    Death Cat: A Mysterious Companion

    Perhaps the cat is carrying some sort of bacteria that is actually killing the patients he visits! :eek::bugeye:
  13. P

    Is Your Chihuahua Braver Than You?

    isn't anyone more concerned about that fact that this toddlers name appears to be Booker ? well, atleast he'll have a story about almost getting killed by a snake! going for him. :O
  14. P

    Chuck Norris Counts to Infinity Twice

    In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Chuck Norris could use to kill you, including the room itself.
  15. P

    What are your quirky habits and where do they cross the line into madness?

    i almost always flip the light switch when i leave a room. even if the lights are out when I'm in the room, when I leave i'll just turn the lights on without realizing it unil a minute later. I get annoyed always catching myself doing it!