Recent content by physicdummy

  1. P

    Racing to the Finish: A Boy Paddles from Point 1 to Point 7

    So is the bike fastest at point 2 then? Is potential energy present? As you can tell from my name, I'm a dummy when it comes to physics, so I'd appreciate it if you can shed some light on this!:smile:
  2. P

    Racing to the Finish: A Boy Paddles from Point 1 to Point 7

    Homework Statement A boy paddles his bike as fast as he can from point 1 to point 2. At point 2, he releases his feet from the pedal and coasts to point 7. a)At which point did he travel fastest? b)State the energy...
  3. P

    Conservation of energy with a pendulum

    Hi Tinytim and ashishsinghal, Thanks for the confirmation! Physicdummy
  4. P

    Conservation of energy with a pendulum

    Homework Statement A pendulum swings from a height and its string hits a nail as shown in the diagram. At which position A, B, or C will the bob end? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think that the answer is B cos of law of conservation of energy. Is this the...