Recent content by physical101

  1. P

    Conversion from galactic coordinates to image coordinates

    Dear All I was wondering if anyone knew of a tool/library in Matlab that would enable me to convert from galactic to physical image coordinates. I can read the header file etc of a fits file but I am at a bit of a loss as how to use this information to get real image coordinates. Cheers Duane
  2. P

    Multiple birth and cut algorithm

    Thats cool - I found a implementation here if your interested:
  3. P

    Multiple birth and cut algorithm

    They are pretty epic but not quite what I'm after. However I know a few people who will be interested so thanks for the links
  4. P

    Multiple birth and cut algorithm

    Hi there I have found an algorithm within the literature that is known as multiple birth and cut. It is in a word fantastic! It seems like it has the potential to solve a problem I have been fighting with. I have been tasked with detecting nuclei in histopathology images and so far the...
  5. P

    MATLAB [Matlab] Replace pixels of an image with theta of Polar Coordinates

    who knew this existed [theta,rho] = cart2pol sorry to be a pain cheers D
  6. P

    MATLAB [Matlab] Replace pixels of an image with theta of Polar Coordinates

    Dear Math and Physics fans You have always been so helpful in the past and I was hoping that I could call on your expertise once again. I want to make a wedge filter in MATLAB so I can determine the orientation of the ellipse of a centered 2D fft. I tried to make an new image where...
  7. P

    Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) power spectrum angle

    Dear Physics Buddies, How are well all, okay I hope. I was wondering if I might browse all your infinite intellects and ask you a very simple question. I am working with some medical images in MATLAB and my collaborators would like to know the orientation of the fibres that it contains...
  8. P

    How can I calculate the median of a terabyte dataset efficiently?

    Hey all, Turns out linear data approximation is a bad idea! Takes the code 6 times as long to run as would eitherwise be. I am using just the quantiles with the p2 to see what I end up with - severly reduces run time (and my head ache hopefully). Thank you for your replys and suggestions Duane
  9. P

    MATLAB Solving an Argument in MATLAB with Linprog

    That is true - I admit it, I'm lazy. Well done to the guys who wrote cvx.
  10. P

    MATLAB Solving an Argument in MATLAB with Linprog

    Thank you for your reply. I find Matlab to be a strange beast - flexible enough to do anything - yet so frustratingly constrained you feel like you can do nothing. There is a lp toolbox written by Stanford uni called cvx. This allows you to write the problem as you see it ie min argument subject...
  11. P

    How can I calculate the median of a terabyte dataset efficiently?

    Hi all I am working with a huge dataset that it to large to store in memory all at the same time. I have been looking at estimating the median of this dataset and how found things such as the median of medians etc but these methods still require me to store a lot of the data. For...
  12. P

    MATLAB Solving an Argument in MATLAB with Linprog

    Dear All Firstly, thank you for looking at my post. I am so close to a solution to a problem that has been given me a massive headache. I am also very stupid and was wondring if one of smart guys could take a look at my problem and see if you might be able to help. I am trying to...
  13. P

    Four features from three dimensions?

    Sorry, I just read back my post. It was quite abrupt - I apologise about that, I was just excited that I found a paper that seemed to do something that I have been trying todo. I will have ago at implementing the paper and if successful I will put something on the Matlab file exchange as I...
  14. P

    Four features from three dimensions?

    think again
  15. P

    Four features from three dimensions?

    Thank you for your reply. I have an image that is composed of four different colours. In the beer lambert colour space, two of the features of interest lie next to one another and the two remaining colours share a similar relationship but in a different direction to the first two. This...