Recent content by phys-lexic

  1. P

    Calculating P-value comparing two percentages of accuracy?

    I have been out of unversity statistics and biometry for a few years do date. I am working in a clical research facility and we are comparing two methods of microbial identification and am now working on the results / charts / statistics. Forgive me for my ignorance, but I am forgetting which...
  2. P

    Really complicated solve for x problem

    Aah.. I tried it out a few times and ended up going in circles. Thankyou anyways everyone, now I know why this question is "way harder than the exam would be."
  3. P

    Really complicated solve for x problem

    I understand algebraic means won't help, which is why I'm posting this question. Trig-substitution is what I was thinking, but is that applicable when not integrating? (We were only introduced to trig-substitutions with integrals, for obvious reasons)
  4. P

    Simplification of an integral please explain

    Thankyou, the trig-substitution worked and I set up the correct proof. If you wouldn't mind, we were assigned homework for an exam review. I finished the regular problems, but he gave us three "critical thinking" problems that would be way harder than the exam. I can do them all, but one is...
  5. P

    Really complicated solve for x problem

    really complicated "solve for x" problem.. please help.. Homework Statement [This is the final step in a "critical thinking" problem assigned as extra practice/intense application] Find the value of x, for the given equation, when f(x) = \frac{49}{6}\pi f(x) =...
  6. P

    Mis-post i apologize, i will delete

    can't figure out how to remove it..
  7. P

    Volume, washer method and shell method

    this helps me when writing the integral... hey vex... if the drawn washer/disk is vertical (goes up and down) integrate over x (use dx), if it is horizontal (goes left and right) integrate over y (use dy)
  8. P

    Simplification of an integral please explain

    In doing math I try not to memorize shortcuts/simplifications, but instead understand what's happening. When studying integrals, my professor gave out a few "simplifications" for us to use on problems; most of which I have been able to figure out, except one. I just cannot seem to figure out the...
  9. P

    Mis-post i apologize, i will delete

  10. P

    Particle box model what am i missing?

    1. The particle in a box model is often used to make rough estimates of ground state energies. Suppose that you have a neutron confined to a one-dimensional box of length equal say 1x10-14m. What is the ground state energy of the confined neutron? **the answer it wants is in MeV*** 2...
  11. P

    Do atomic clocks prove time dilation and length contraction?

    when using lorentz factor in time dilation and length contraction... are those phenomenon only considered when the velocity is comparable to the speed of light or does it happen all the time and extremely negligeable in all cases other than when v~c? thanks.
  12. P

    Quick easy clarification (redshift vs blue shift)

    I know the concept behind the shifts, i just am not sure what they mean by an increase/decrease in wavelength... do they mean from the source to the observed or from the observed to the source... which is why i gave the example from a source it is 630nm (red) to being observed as 530nm (green)...
  13. P

    Basic problem regarding doppler effect of light (E/M waves)

    i did that... would anyone mind checking my answer? v=[(c)(f0/fs)2-c] / [(f0/fs)2+1] and my final answer for v was 5.14 x 107 m/s, towards the source because the wavelength shifts from the source, 630nm, to that observed, 530nm, a blue shift...?
  14. P

    Quick easy clarification (redshift vs blue shift)

    i just have the two mixed up, and need an example to set it straight... lets say you're source is a red light (hight wavelength, low frequency) to green light (lower wavelenght, higher frequency)... that would be a blue shift? redshift = wavelength (H->L) frequency (L->H)...