Recent content by Phy6explorer

  1. P

    Sun's Mass Loss: How Much Is Lost Annually?

    That explains it. Thanks!
  2. P

    Sun's Mass Loss: How Much Is Lost Annually?

    Amazing!I still have a question? Do you think that if the heat slowly reduces in the sun the reaction will slow down and the sun will not lose as much mass? Helium is formed by four protons fusing but what about hydrogen?How is hydrogen present in the sun?I also read that around 75% of the sun...
  3. P

    Why is artificial transmutation not started?

    So ultimately, deep geological storage is the only decent choice? Artificial transmutation is out of the question? But fast reactors sounds appealing, every thing has its own dis-advantages, but as you say instead of making a reactor which produces less energy than the thermal ones and its main...
  4. P

    What is the Production Process of Ethylene Glycol and its Relation to Polyester?

    C'mon Borek let's have a nice discussion here.Let alone Wikipedia.Of course, your suggestion to visit Wikipedia is a very nice one, no doubt, but let's have discussion here. Thanks for the correct spelling, Borek!
  5. P

    Sun's Mass Loss: How Much Is Lost Annually?

    Sorry, I could not see the emot-icon!Could you please tell me what things can happen? Yes, I knew it, but since I was not the one who started this thread I could do nothing. I am completely knew to this topic so please don't mind when I ask that, when Kurdt says that"The figure of 4.2...
  6. P

    Question on Earth's magnetic field

    I am sorry! I do not have any links about it to share with you. But is "magnetic storms" the answer to my question?
  7. P

    Making Magnets: Attracting & Repulsing - Questions Answered

    After all, isn't each electron like a small magnet?
  8. P

    Why is artificial transmutation not started?

    By "cleaner", do you mean that the amount of wastes produced will be the same but the level of harm it will cuse is lesser? Why not fast breeder reactors?It is a fast reactor which produces more fissile material than it consumes, doesn't it?So the fissile materials can be used for the thermal...
  9. P

    What is the Production Process of Ethylene Glycol and its Relation to Polyester?

    Hey, what about di-ethylene glycol and tri-ethylene glycol? What is the difference between them? Are they just stronger ethylene glycols?
  10. P

    Why is artificial transmutation not started?

    Why is artificial transmutation not started? Why is the Integral Fast Reactor not considered? I mean, its good isn't it, not producing transuranic waste? What about creating some reactor to consume all the transuranivc wastes or elements?And this is just to know, are fusion reactors being put...
  11. P

    Question on Earth's magnetic field

    Just to ask, what would happen if some form of strong electric current passes through the magnetosphere? Or what about bringing a substance with strong magnetic properties in contact with the magnetosphere at the poles?
  12. P

    Sun's Mass Loss: How Much Is Lost Annually?

    Does the statement that the Sun is losing mass mean that it is losing the content of Hydrogen and Helium in it? I mean, isn't Hydrogen and Helium what makes up the Sun's mass? I mean since the Sun makes up the maaaajor (major,I mean,Just to indicate the vastness of its majority) part of the...
  13. P

    Making Magnets: Attracting & Repulsing - Questions Answered

    Thanks, but iron is not magnetic is it? Though magnets get attracted to it can we say that it produces a magnetic field ? Can you please tell me how magnets occur naturally? I mean in the case of the man-made one the solenoid is produced by passing an electric current through the coils, but what...
  14. P

    Making Magnets: Attracting & Repulsing - Questions Answered

    How are magnets made? I mean how are they made to produce a magnetic field? How are some magnets made to attract and some to repel? And just to know:- Does magnetism got some connection with gravity? Because practically we can notice some similarities.I think I am asking an answer to silly...
  15. P

    What is the Production Process of Ethylene Glycol and its Relation to Polyester?

    Thanks Borek! I realized that I had typed the wrong spelling as you will notice in the previous posts.Thanks!