Recent content by photon

  1. P

    What Inspired Your Username?

    i was young (3 yrs ago) I thought it made me sound like a member of the xmen, or possibly even the justice league...
  2. P

    Best Song Lines - Lyrics You'll Love

    what are som lines from songs that you think are really great? -the hollies "he aint heavy, he's my brother" -three dog night's "never been to spain": I've never been to heaven, but I've been to oklahoma. -nitty gritty dirt band's "cadilac ranch": the whole song :biggrin: -neil...
  3. P

    What Are the Most Iconic Movie Scenes of All Time?

    lets talk the best movie scenes of all time. here's a few of my favorites: -The Sandlot: the scene where the kid with the glasses trys to put the moves of the lifeguard. -Ferris Buelers day off: The scene at the end of the movie where cameron's dad's sweet car is up on the jacks, and he...
  4. P

    Are You Practicing These Good Manners?

    when your on the phone with a girl, say "yeah" or "huh" every now and then. almost makes it sound like your listenining :wink:
  5. P

    Seeing Mars as a Full Moon: A Hoax?

    someone told me that in the near future we'd be able to see Mars as the size of a full moon from earth. later i read it was just a hoax. anyone else heard about this?
  6. P

    Things It Takes Most Of Us 50 years to learn

    There is NO difference between coke and pepsi if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is the only thing that changes with each james bond movie is the girl
  7. P

    Welcome Back! Have You Been Missed?

    i remember you gale, you were the hilariously funny one, along with jimmyp. i just haven't had a whole lot of time to post lately, it being summer and all. :cool:
  8. P

    Welcome Back! Have You Been Missed?

    i haven't been on the forums for awhile, so i decided maybe i should start hangin out out here again. not sure if anyone remembers me or not. just fyi.
  9. P

    What 10 CDs Would You Bring to a Desert Island?

    if you were stranded on a desert island, and could bring just 10 cds, what ones would you take with you? me: (in no particular order) 1: led zepplelin remasters 2: bruce springsteen (born in the usa) 3: boston (boston) 4: pink floyd (dark side of the moon) 5: queens greatest hits 6: the...
  10. P

    Is U2's New Album 'How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb' Worth the Hype?

    I fixed it just to make dduardo happy. :biggrin:
  11. P

    Is U2's New Album 'How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb' Worth the Hype?

    I just listened to Vertigo on the net, and it rocks! U2 still has it! I will definately be buying "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb" on the 23rd. Anyone else heard it?
  12. P

    Music Well, what type of music does everyone listen to?

    Led Zeppelin Beatles U2 Pink Floyd Aerosmith REM are a few of my favs. Also just bought a "3 Dog Night" cd, and I think they're pretty cool. Rock on :wink:
  13. P

    Worst Chat Up Lines: What Are Yours?

    Is that a zit?
  14. P

    Coversation starters awkward silence

    Great! So I just sort of talk, sounding like I care, (i do care) and try to relax and go with the flow? I can handle that. I'll do just that when I see her tommorrow. But now, I'm going to hit the sack, so I'll post updates tommorow afternoon. Later :wink: