Recent content by phosgenic

  1. P

    Making sense of Newton's Third Law

    That's what I was missing. Thanks.
  2. P

    Making sense of Newton's Third Law

    Assume that I have met the necessary force requirements to make the book move. I am still having trouble making things clear. No matter the force that I apply to the book, whether it be 1 N or 10000000 N, the book will also apply that same force to my hand, in the opposite direction. So what...
  3. P

    Making sense of Newton's Third Law

    This is going to be a stupid question, for which I apologize. I am probably over-thinking things but my reasoning is flawed somewhere because when I think about Newton's Third Law and it's application to real-world examples, I can't understand how objects move at all, whether accelerating or...
  4. P

    Question about net force/acceleration/constant velocity

    Good answer, thanks. And no, I wasn't trying to envision a scenario to violate Newton's laws. In the situation I presented they aren't violated, I just couldn't understand how they were operating in that context, as the examples that are given in my textbook/lectures are similar to the first...
  5. P

    Question about net force/acceleration/constant velocity

    I read in my textbook that an object can have constant velocity when net force and acceleration are equal to 0. For an example like a puck on frictionless ice that continues to move after it has had a force applied to it that is all good and fine, I understand that inertia keeps the puck moving...