Recent content by phish21

  1. P

    Classical A relearning experience - self study edition

    Hi, I graduated with an undergraduate degree in physics 16 years ago, and I would like to go back and relearn all that great knowledge that I forgot. I was thinking of the following series of books. -Do you recommend changing the order in which I go through them? -Do you recommend adding a...
  2. P

    Intro Physics “Fundamental University Physics” by Alonso and Finn - out of date?

    Mainly book 3 on quantum mechanics. That said, we see other physics texts get new additions every so often to correct mistakes and update the text. Does Alonso and Finn suffer because it is ‘out of date’?
  3. P

    Intro Physics “Fundamental University Physics” by Alonso and Finn - out of date?

    Hi, I was going through “Fundamental University Physics” by Alonso and Finn, and I’m wondering how much of it is out of date. Obviously the tone and style is from the 60s, but if I were to go through all 3 volumes in depth, how much of the info would be inaccurate/wrong based on what we know...