Recent content by Phaedrus

  1. P

    How Does the Length of a Yoke Affect the Inductance of Yoked Coils in Series?

    I guess I don't see how that relates to two coils yoked together where they are next to each other pointed up with a yoke across the a U. From what I understand the lines of flux would be completely different if the ends faced each other as opposed to parallel to each other...
  2. P

    How Does the Length of a Yoke Affect the Inductance of Yoked Coils in Series?

    Hey thanks...I kinda figured that would be the case if they were put together end to end. What I'm hoping to determine is how do you treat length when they are yoked in series. Is the yoke included in the length?...What I'm am looking at is basically a horseshoe electro magnet, with the coils...
  3. P

    How Does the Length of a Yoke Affect the Inductance of Yoked Coils in Series?

    When finding for "L" is the value for "l" (length of coil) affected by the length of the core material. Or more specifically when one is working this equation for two coils yoked in series do you figure each coil separately?...and if NOT, do you include the length of the yoke? Here is a link...
  4. P

    Tattoo machine electromagnetics

    Time to update this I guess... Thanks Resonant...but you've missed the point I believe. The object was not to create something that would adjust while working...but more so that you could change the speed on the fly...manually...without having to switch machines. ( Yeah I know I'm always...
  5. P

    What materials can increase magnetic strength in an electromagnetic coil?

    I realize that soft iron is the most common material for this but I am wondering if there is something that will increase the magnetic strength. Here is what I have. Two electromagnetic coils in series connected by a yoke with a capacitor in parallel (for spark reduction). Cores are soft...
  6. P

    Best core material would be for an electromagnet

    Maybe calling it a "relay" is more accurate. Anyway the core material will be wrapped with magnet wire which will move an armature bar when on...which will open the circuit releasing the armature bar to its normal position which closes the circuit and starts the process over again...only this...
  7. P

    Best core material would be for an electromagnet

    Wondering if anyone can give me a clue as to where I might look for information on what the best core material would be for an electromagnet if price were not an issue. I need as much magnetic strength as possible for between 3-9 volts DC. At between 80-160Hz. Basically this is a solenoid...
  8. P

    Fixing a Dead Blowdryer: Safety Tips

    wow...something I can actually respond to with some knowledge. In my childhood broken hairdryers were subjected to my curiosity. I found that almost every time what was wrong was that the thermostat was stuck. Usually from overheating due to hair and dust collecting on the screen. The...
  9. P

    Core Material for Long-Run Solenoid Circuits

    I agree iron is the best overall as far as availability and cost go. But what if I wanted to increase the efficiency of the coil...more efficiency = less voltage=less heat. I've been researching and have come across powdered iron cores...nickel iron cores...etc. Cost is not an issue. What I...
  10. P

    Core Material for Long-Run Solenoid Circuits

    Iron is what I'm using now. I was wondering if there are better materials or alloys that would lend themselves better to this application...for lowest hysterysis...highest permeability...etc. Thanks for the reply.
  11. P

    Core Material for Long-Run Solenoid Circuits I am building a circuit such as the one above. The only difference is that it will be running for long periods of time. So heat becomes an issue. To make the most efficient and strongest electromagnet I am wondering...
  12. P

    Mutual Inductance: Coil Wrapping Direction & Opposite Poles

    I have 2 inductors in series...iron core...iron yoke...with a capacitor in parallel. For best mutual inductance, does it matter which direction each coil is wrapped...or maybe a better question would be how do you insure that the poles will be opposite every cycle so they are not working...
  13. P

    Tattoo machine electromagnetics

    Back again...I think I may have solved the problem. After banging my head against many walls I found the 555 IC chip. Using that and various circuit diagrams off the internet I was able to make the circuit that controls frequency (I'm still working on the duty cycle). Now I can make a tattoo...
  14. P

    Tattoo machine electromagnetics

    Ok...I've been researching optics now and this is what I have found. It seems that what I am looking for is a photoelectric sensor with "one shot logic" which would give me an output of set length no matter how long the object is detected. My theory is that I should be able to tune in a...
  15. P

    Tattoo machine electromagnetics

    I think you hit the nail on the head...It occurred to me that perhaps the single most important thing in controlling the resonance between the two systems would be the amount of time that the circuit is closed. And possibly the most difficult to control or adjust. As the mass of the armature...