Recent content by Petenerd

  1. P

    Lab concerning Inverters experiement

    I have to conduct a lab concerning inverters. I'm using a 7404 hex inverter IC, 6 LED's with 150Ω resisters, and 1 logic switch. Can someone tone it down a little bit so I can undersetand what the lab is wanting me to do? And what does the image on the second page show (Figure 3-7 and 3-8)...
  2. P

    Logic Gates (OR and AND) Wave Form Diagrams

    If you take a look at the attachment that I have posted, you will see 4 wave diagrams labeled A, B, C, D, respectively. My objective to is to answer the questions after the A-D diagrams. The first one is a AND logic gate with A and B. So how would I combine A and B. Do I draw only the highs of...
  3. P

    What is the Probability of Having a Girl as the Third Child?

    I need help with this question: A woman gives birth to a son. Two years later, she gives birth to another son. What is the probability that her third child will be a girl? Explain your reasoning. I think it is 50% chance that it will be a girl because when you use the punnet square the...
  4. P

    Exploring the Physics of Time Travel at Light Speed

    Why would time stop if you travel at the speed of light?
  5. P

    Programs Degrees needed to be a warfare physicist

    Do you also need a degree in chemistry?
  6. P

    Programs Degrees needed to be a warfare physicist

    What are you talking about? When I typed "degrees" I mean like Master's or Bachelor's degree not like temperature.
  7. P

    Programs Degrees needed to be a warfare physicist

    I mean by like a physicist who specializes themselves in war. For example, inventing guns or anything that is used in war. A warfare physicist also studies nuclear physics and related type physics. If you can't find anything to tell me about warfare physicists. Can you tell what degrees do...
  8. P

    Programs Degrees needed to be a warfare physicist

    What degrees do I need to be a warfare physicist. I know I need a Ph.D. in physics. What else do you need? Do need anything in Chemistry? Do I need something in math too? Please give all the details you can think of about my career. :smile:
  9. P

    Einstein field equations (EFE's)

    Can someone explain the equation G_{\mu\nu}+\Lambda g_ {\mulnu}={8\ pi G\over c^4} T_{\mu\nu}\ by Albert Einstein?
  10. P

    Understanding PEMDAS in Math: Is There an Exception?

    Thanks for the help! :)
  11. P

    Understanding PEMDAS in Math: Is There an Exception?

    If the question meant this \frac{x+3}{3}, I would add first then divide?
  12. P

    Understanding PEMDAS in Math: Is There an Exception?

    I think the question meant \frac{x+3}{3}, instead of x+\frac{3}{3}.
  13. P

    Understanding PEMDAS in Math: Is There an Exception?

    I think I got the hang of this now!
  14. P

    Understanding PEMDAS in Math: Is There an Exception?

    The funny thing is on the sample answer it doesn't follow PEMDAS. Do you think the other questions like that will follow PEMDAS? Because when I followed PEMDAS to do the problem, there wasn't a choice for my answer which was 4. :rolleyes:
  15. P

    Understanding PEMDAS in Math: Is There an Exception?

    On my assesment it had a question that said x+3/3, when x=3. I thought you do 3/3 first so did the teacher, but when he looke at the answer key it showed you were suppose to do 3+3 then divide by 3. And also on my test booklet, it doesn't have 4 which is the answer if you do it with PEMDAS...