Recent content by Pete Moore

  1. Pete Moore

    Particle Reynolds number / max entrained particle size

    then again we're seeing a mix of water and dust (even in our 'clean' tests) and are /trying/ to determine which is which... since water will stay entrained much further than anything denser and we're not 100% on what we're looking at particle by particle it's a bit less clear than my prior post...
  2. Pete Moore

    Particle Reynolds number / max entrained particle size

    it compares 'well' i guess...which is to say generally we don't see too many particles >30um but there are a few...even 100um particles occasionally...then again most of the contaminants don't have particles >30 so not sure how much to make of that...but the lower down in the flow we look the...
  3. Pete Moore

    Particle Reynolds number / max entrained particle size

    Using Stokes Law, max entrained particle travel distance, from top of pipe, in cm = velocity of fluid in cm/s * diameter of pipe in cm / ((1/18)*(density of sand-density of kerosene in g/cm3)*(980/0.0164)*(particle diameter in cm)^2) for example, if it entered at the top of the pipe, a...
  4. Pete Moore

    Particle Reynolds number / max entrained particle size

    This seems most helpful: I'd think the Particle Settling Velocity (Wso / formula 3) would be most helpful in determining how far a certain particle could stay entrained but the formulas seem circular ie to determine Wso I need to know Cd but that depends...
  5. Pete Moore

    Particle Reynolds number / max entrained particle size

    Excellent, yes that all makes sense. Once we figure the sink rate in the main flow of the pipe we can know, roughly, how far a particle that starts out in the middle of the flow or nearer the top of the pipe will go. Thx!
  6. Pete Moore

    Particle Reynolds number / max entrained particle size

    That's not helpful; we're already using a $1000 camera...and even if we doubled or tripled the flowrate the same question still remains... What is the formula for calculating how far a large/heavy particle will stay entrained in a certain fluid at a certain flowrate/velocity. I'd appreciate...
  7. Pete Moore

    Particle Reynolds number / max entrained particle size

    I'm afraid not, due to space constraints the unit will most likely be under hung under the main fuel line and test section will be horizontal.
  8. Pete Moore

    Particle Reynolds number / max entrained particle size

    We are trying to see particles in fuel but the analysis branch's camera needs to flow rate to be very low (40ml/m) to enable clear photos. At lower flowrates heavy particles simply sink to the bottom and /do not/ stay entrained in flow. We have not been seeing as many larger particles (>30um)...
  9. Pete Moore

    Particle Reynolds number / max entrained particle size

    1) Great question!...mmm..for simplicities sake let's presume all 4' is horizontal.. 2b) There is 'standard' filtration already in affect so we're very unlikely to see /anything/ a .25" in diameter! :) ...most fuel filters would only allow something a few hundred microns most. I...
  10. Pete Moore

    Particle Reynolds number / max entrained particle size

    I am not a student; this is for work. Would some kind soul: a) direct me to an online calculator to enable answering the following or b) give me the answer and show how you arrived at it :) or c) advise me of the formula / process by which I can arrive at the answer? THANK YOU! What is the...