Recent content by Petahanks

  1. P

    Why do toddlers have a logarithmic understanding of numbers?

    What an amazing answer, thank you that was just what I wanted to hear! You wouldn’t happen to know the source of this information so I can reference it in a report I’m writing? Or is this just your own personal deep knowledge accumulated under a long time?
  2. P

    Why do toddlers have a logarithmic understanding of numbers?

    I don’t understand: is our vision somehow based on the derivative of the light rather than the absolute intensity?
  3. P

    Why do toddlers have a logarithmic understanding of numbers?

    Wow, that article was like literally made to answer my exact question! :) But honestly, after read it, I still don’t fully understand why it doesn’t appear greenish. If I understood the article correctly the sun is in fact mostly green but the eyes/brains of humans are too weak to perceive it...
  4. P

    Why do toddlers have a logarithmic understanding of numbers?

    Sorry but I don’t understand what you mean by “does not favour any wavelength”. I understand that the spectrum covers all colors but it has the highest intensity in the green range, so why do we perceive none of it? And I don’t think you can explain away the lack of greenness by scattering in...
  5. P

    Why do toddlers have a logarithmic understanding of numbers?

    I’ve read that the light we can see coming from the sun originates from the suns photosphere which can be modeled as a black body emitter with a temperature of 5760 K. If I use Wien’s displacement law with this temperature to find out where the peak wavelength is: Peak = (2.8977*10^-3)/5760 =...
  6. P

    Are there gaps between the rays coming from the sun?

    Yes, that whole photons per unit area matches my way of thinking about light pretty well. That is why I still can’t fully understand why everyone here seems to think that there are no gaps. I did some searching on google before and someone wrote on a forum “the photon does have a size, since you...
  7. P

    Are there gaps between the rays coming from the sun?

    I don’t know anything about advanced quantum physics stuff but is it the same sort of crap with photons as with electrons; “You can never fully determine where an electron is, it’s only a matter of probability bla bla” ? Would it for example ever be possible to take a picture of a photon and use...
  8. P

    Are there gaps between the rays coming from the sun?

    So do you agree with me then that if we imagine a completely naked Earth with no trees or obstructions. One solar panel 0° on the equator and one 90° on the North pole. Any explanation to why they are producing different amounts of electricity that involves the angle of the sun somehow spreading...
  9. P

    Are there gaps between the rays coming from the sun?

    I understand that if you tilt a surface away from the direction of the sunlight the energy per area unit will decrease. And that is what I’m saying – this explanation doesn’t work when explaining why it is colder in the winter than summer, because a 90° surface on the North Pole is just as...
  10. P

    Are there gaps between the rays coming from the sun?

    Not sure I understand that analogy. I personally wouldn’t see the gaps since the gaps are too small for my eyes to detect but surely every layer of paint doesn’t cover 100% of the space it is painted on, so yes there would be gaps..
  11. P

    Are there gaps between the rays coming from the sun?

    But aren’t you sort of now saying that there are gaps? But that the gaps are so randomly distributed that over time the rays can be seen as uniform without any gaps? And if time was frozen, at least in weak light, there would be gaps?
  12. P

    Are there gaps between the rays coming from the sun?

    But why? The amount of waves/photons created in a fusion reaction should is limited right? Combined with a limited size of each wave/photon – how can there not be gaps? And a follow-up question: If you google for example “why is it colder in winter than summer” a lot of the answers you find...
  13. P

    Are there gaps between the rays coming from the sun?

    Hi! I have a question regarding the radiation coming from the sun. It might seem stupid to some people but I would really like to know how this works. When you see images of the sun's rays reaching the Earth for example on this image from wikipedia (see attached image). The rays are almost...