Recent content by perfectchaos180

  1. P

    Schools George Mason University v. Virginia Tech

    The ranks are totally broken and really mean nothing
  2. P

    Is it worth going into $25k debt per year to go to Michigan Engineering?

    I am in the same boat except replace michigan with georgia tech and this is what they told me also from now on just make on topic...
  3. P

    UVA Engineering vs Virginia Tech Engineering

    I am in the same boat as you. I also got into Georgia Tech, but I probably won't go there because of price. Visited both campuses, very different campuses, loved both of them. From what the people here have told me, the two schools are so close that it doesn't really matter. I would visit both...
  4. P

    Schools Questions about choosing my college

    ok so just to clairfy, all three of the schools I stated are really not too different in terms of what I will get. I have worked my *** of in high school and you can bet I will continue in college. If I want to go to a top tier grad school, would I be able to feasibly do that as an undergrad at...
  5. P

    Schools Questions about choosing my college

    what do you mean by "talk to the financial aid office" like say "if you don't give me really good financial aid I am not going here" or what? I am still waiting to receive financial aid packages that come at the beginning of April, that should make things clearer for me
  6. P

    Schools Questions about choosing my college

    Ok so unfortunately I did not get accepted to MIT :( but now it looks like my options are Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, and the University of Virginia I am majoring in engineering and I am having a tough time choosing. Georgia Tech clearly has the best program out of the three (best public...
  7. P

    Schools Best Engineering schools on the east coast?

    Ok so I live in Virginia and want to go to school for engineering, the problem is picking one. I am applying to Virginia Tech and UVA and I should get into those. I am going to apply to MIT just to see if I get in (I have a strong resume but I know it takes a hell of a lot more than that). But I...
  8. P

    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    Which engineering field makes the most money? I will not use this solely to pick my field, I just want to know. I have seen many different results and just want to see what you guys say.
  9. P

    So structural beams are used pretty much everywhere right?

    like everyday homes and highway bridges and almost every other building right? just making sure... I mean, I've never actually seen an everyday home being built and you can't see them just by standing inside the house.
  10. P

    Help for project looking into the amount of load's beams can take

    Well my variable is going to be the shapes of the beams, I am going to see how changing the shape affects the load. So I can't have the way I load it be a variable, that's what the shape needs to be. I wouldn't be able to get my own steel shapes, and I don't know how I would get different...
  11. P

    Help for project looking into the amount of load's beams can take

    Well the project is supposed to be a big project, it is supposed to span across my whole senior year, I might look into that beam calculation program. But I can't really try steel and I don't know about aluminum. The problem is, I am just a high school student. I don't have the materials to test...
  12. P

    Help for project looking into the amount of load's beams can take

    Wow thanks I will get to reading those. Well, I am a high school Junior, and I am in an advanced program (above AP level) and we have to do a big research project for my senior year and we are putting together our proposals now. I am doing a project on how different shapes and materials of...
  13. P

    Help for project looking into the amount of load's beams can take

    Ok I really need a lot more help with this than I initially thought. I have been trying some internet searches but am not having much luck. If someone can basically give me a link that will tell me everything I need to know about beams, and how to measure things for them that would be great. Or...
  14. P

    Help for project looking into the amount of load's beams can take

    oh and does anyone know any sites that provide some info on structural beams? Like the common shapes used, and why they are commonly made out of steel, diagrams of them, etc.? anything would be appreciated