Recent content by penzoate

  1. P

    How Does an Electric Field Affect Electron Trajectory in a Cathode Ray Tube?

    Homework Statement An electron with the kinetic energy of 2.6e-6 Joules is moving to the right along the axis of a cathode ray tube. the length of the cathode ray tube is 16 cm and the length of the deflection inside the cathode ray tube is 4 cm. The electric field = 2e4*N/C. Everywhere...
  2. P

    Tips for earning decent grades in physics

    I used to go to the tutorial center at my university a lot when I truly was stuck on a problem. Although , I understood the problems that my tutor help me solved and managed to get a decent homework grade, my homework grades never matched my test grades. I got a "C" for the final semester...
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    Tips for earning decent grades in physics

    I know I posted a thread about relationship between the knowledge of physics and the person's Physics gpa . I have a different question: What advice would you give to physics students on how to go from C and B to A and B students. I average in at least 1-2 hours a night when working out...
  4. P

    Are physicists looked down upon if

    what is the average GPA of most of the physicists on this forum. Like I said, I am a freshman and only taken my first introductory physics courses. I have a C+ average now. I want to know grades of other physicists, including the grade of physicists , who improved there academic performance...
  5. P

    Are physicists looked down upon if

    I've only taken one my first year physics courl and received a C+ in that class. There are a lot of smart physics majors who's GPA is below a 3.5 and have manage to go onto graudate school to study what they love
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    Are physicists looked down upon if

    , I was just curious, do other physics majors with a 3.5 or higher consider physics majors with a GPA between a 2.5 and 3.0 let's intelligent in areas in physics. Do fellow physics majors consider the physics knowledge the physics major with a 2.5 GPA learn outside the classroom? Or are they...
  7. P

    How likely is it for one to get into a REU program?

    I had a friend who receive average grades in physics but interned at Los Alamos labs studying ultra cold atoms in his senior year. He told me he just went up to a professor and asked if he needed a research assistant
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    Schools Thinking about what to study in graduate school as an undergraduate

    As an undergraduate, did any of you know what you wanted to studied in graduate school. I have absolutely no idea what I want to studied once I begin graduate school. Was there something that caused you to go into a certain direction in a physics field. I guess most people get there...
  9. P

    Finding the maximum density of a balloon

    Homework Statement A balloon is filled with helium at an atomospheric pressure. The skin of the balloon has a mass of 3.1 kg and the volume of the balloon is 18 m^3. Homework Equations What is the greatest weight of the balloon? The Attempt at a Solution In order to determine the...
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    Programs Majoring in applied math and physics

    How stressed out were you when you encounter proofs
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    Programs Majoring in applied math and physics

    Also , What skills do you acquire and learnas you work toward applied math degree that you won't learn as you work towards your physics degress
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    Programs Majoring in applied math and physics

    What are the benefits of double majoring in both physics and applied mathematics. I am not talking about financial benefits. I was reading about applied math and subtopics like game theory and cryptography seem kinda interesting. Can anyone enlighten on what kind of careers I can have with a...
  13. P

    Boost GPA for Physics Majors | Freshman Struggles

    I am a freshman majoring in physics .Right now, I have a 2.84(yeah , I know deliciously embarresing), But I was wondering , If I could transform the B and C's I am getting into A's and B's. Are there any physics majors who are going through the same predicament ? Anyone else can give me advice...