Recent content by penguindecay

  1. P

    What to do after failing to get a PhD placement?

    Dear fellow Physicists, I have failed at obtaining a place on a PhD studentship this year, and would like your advice on what to do next. My mind is set on doing researching with the T2K experiment (particle physics), and I am to finish a Msc in physics this...
  2. P

    Significance of L/E in neutrino oscillations

    Thank you, and its application is as I stated above? That one can have investigate the different regimes like solar neutrinos by changing length and/or energy?
  3. P

    Significance of L/E in neutrino oscillations

    Dear fellow Physicists, I am writing to ask what the significance of the term (L/E) in neutrino oscillation is? From my initial understanding it determines the oscillation mode, so if you have an experiment of a baseline of 300km, you can adjust the neutrino beam energy to suit the particular...
  4. P

    Poisson dist. with small numbers

    Thanks, I'll ask my teacher about this. But the thing looks like a poisson! definitely not a decay slope like an exp. It's definitely a hill shape with equal areas on each side of the peak. Thanks again everyone!
  5. P

    Poisson dist. with small numbers

    Hi, thanks for all the information you have given me. I think I should explain my graph and data in detail. I have a plot running the decay time from 0 to 0.02 in intervals of 0.001. I'm binning into these intervals the events that fit into the bin width (of 0.001). I get (I assume) a poisson...
  6. P

    Poisson dist. with small numbers

    Hi, just to clarify, I have a poisson dist. that has it's peak at about 0.0001 and a mean value of 0.00107, there are 43194 entries. Sorry I got some numbers mixed up at the start. Bascically I've been counting decay times of the same events. Thanks, I tried the usual root(mean) but the dist...
  7. P

    Poisson dist. with small numbers

    Dear Physicists, I have a poisson dist with a mean at 0.00107. I tried that usual SQRT(mean) for the standard deviation but of course I got an sigma larger than my actual plot. Can someone point me to some text or the right theory? Cheers L
  8. P

    What is the Purpose of tg() in Physics?

    Thank you! It's the first time in fours years of higher education that I've seen it!
  9. P

    What is the Purpose of tg() in Physics?

    Dear Physicists, I've been given an equation tg(psi_1) = et cetera. I do not know the meaning of the tg function, please could could one tell me its formal name, or how it functions? Thank you
  10. P

    CM energy for different mass/energy beams

    Dear Particle Physicist, I'm unable to find an equation for the CM energy to use for when colliding beams have different masses and energies, for example the HERA colliding electron beams with proton beams. If you know a website, and can write the equation I'd be grateful. Thanks in advance
  11. P

    Uncertainty on the number of trials in binomial distributions?

    Dear Reader, I am writing for information, or a point towards any information about the calculation on the uncertainty on the number of trials in a binomial distribution. I had been using the SQRT(N) (taken from poisson dist. I miss them) but forgot they are binomial. For example if I toss a...
  12. P

    Uncertainty from mean and rms?

    I am looking for the square root of the variance, and if it is as you state the rms equation I have, then thank you.
  13. P

    Uncertainty from mean and rms?

    Dear Reader, Earlier I posted a topic on the uncertainty of a function that is F = os - ss , where os and ss are opposite-sign and same-sign, and are both binomial distributions. I want to know the uncertainty of my F, I have found a equation for the mean, and rms of my function which are...
  14. P

    Uncertainty of binomial distribution?

    Actually I got the same problem on what the uncertainty of the n_total is as it too is a sum of binomial distributions
  15. P

    Uncertainty of binomial distribution?

    Thank you, I had not thought of considering it as a function of only the n(yes) or n(no), that helps a lot. The uncertainty is to do with a measurement of the signal, ie 112 events +/- 10.6 events, originally this was posted in the physics section. But I think I can solve it with the treatment...