Recent content by Pedraam

  1. P

    B Is the electron a particle or field?

    I was having a casual conversation with my uncle the other day and he basically told me that electron is a field. Essentially he claimed that there is an electron field that encompasses the whole universe (like the Higgs field) and what we think of as an "electron particle" is just a fixed point...
  2. P

    Question about light emissions of fluorescent bulbs

    So today I was in one of the rooms in the gym where they have 4 fluorescent lights shining. 2 of them where clearly low on life/power and they were barely glowing, the glow was this very faint pink color. So my friends asked me why I thought they were glowing pink. On the spot I thought of some...
  3. P

    I Is Dark Matter the Key to Understanding the Cosmos?

    Hello, my name is Pedraam and I am newly getting into Astrophysics and stuff. It is very interesting to me so far! My question has to do with dark matter. I'm curious as to why we look at Newton and Einstein as such gods that if they're theory is slightly off, even in the cosmic world, we have...